2014 New Chicks Contest - Ends 6/13/2014

May we enter goslings or ducklings also?
I am going to say that you can post ducklings. But, if we get 10+ duckling entries (from 10+ different people) then I will make it into a category, and some ducklings will place. I doubt many will enter goslings though, so I am going to say no on the goslings (sorry).

This is Nugget born March 2014:)
Red laced Blue Wyandotte Splash. I am not sure what sex the chick is, so have to wait for the crowing, or egg laying to start.
I am going to say that you can post ducklings. But, if we get 10+ duckling entries (from 10+ different people) then I will make it into a category, and some ducklings will place. I doubt many will enter goslings though, so I am going to say no on the goslings (sorry).

Okay, thanks! :3

BANTOM PILE!!! (they got scared when i pulled out my camera)

My two favorite babies (not that i love the others any less)
Name: Blackie
Breed: believed silkie
Age: 2 weeks
Sex: hopefully female

Name: Penguin
Breed: some sort of bantom
Age: 2 weeks
Sex: my believed male
I have my coup divided into two sections, one for the ducks and the other for the chickens. Mostly, because the ducks play (bathe, socialize, live, poo, sleep, repeat) in the water dish. It doesn't even matter how often you change it, or how big or small the water is. They would find a way to all pile into a standard sized glass just to mess it up. "Oh looK fresh WATER!!! quack quaaaack quaaaack!!!!"

The chickens are revolted by this behaviour, REVOLTED! This winter I only had one heated water dish in there. I could see the chickens having to psych themselves up to take a drink. "Oh my GaawwwWWWWWD ... I need water, I haaaaaave to do this" ... But they lived through it. Now they have their 'own space' and water dish, for which they are extremely relieved.

The thing about ducks is that they are always happy, always smiling. And, every crummy weather day is a fun puddle day for them.
Name: Sunni and Sanders
Breed: Speckled Sussex and Blue Cochin
Age: Three Days
Picture: Sanders "I'm going to get you Sunni!"

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