2016 Gosling Hatch-a-long

And it happened again -_-
It was only a few second fight though so it looks like the pecking order is settled but the Buff pair still aren't ok with the current pecking order -_-
Geese these days


The dominant one, not dominant atm without his embden female who's brooding.

The one who caused the fight -_-
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Automatic hand turner snapped last night :( so I've to hand turn from now on. It's a shame but I hand turn them every year anyway
What a drag about the auto turner. I almost got the auto turner for my new bator, but didn't and I already regret it as I am not so diligent about hand turning anymore.
Well I was wondering how the nest thing was going to work out, as 2 of my geese kept laying in the same nest. Today I had to end up separating the Toulouse pair from the American Buff pair, as there were totally bullying the gander. When I did this, the American goose sat on her eggs. I just removed 9 eggs 2 days before, and had the incubators warmed up to stick them in. I decided to wait until the evening to see if she was still on the nest, and she was. So I went back down and placed the eggs around her, and she just started adding them to the nest. The Italian/Skåne mix is in with the Buffs, and she has laid some of these eggs. She became very interested when I did this. Then she started pushing in on the nest and moving some of the eggs around. Now both are squished in on the same nest. This is good, as there are 15 eggs in there, and one goose was not going to be able to keep them all warm.

Things have settled down, now that we separated the Toulouse out. They are just plain mean. They are a**holes, to tell you the truth. This pair is supposed to be the tamest, eating out of your hand, but they are hissing mean a**holes right now. I am so hoping they get over this soon. The goose has shown no signs of laying eggs yet. They only just started being able to properly mate, just under 2 weeks ago. The lady I got them from only had a small baby pool for them. Geese this size need deeper water to mate in. I see the gander mating her all the time, but no eggs yet.

And when can I expect their behaviour to change? Is it after they sit on the eggs, or after the babies hatch?
It's the second time it snapped and it's only with goose eggs.
Might get a new incubator next year I guess!

I'm sorry to bug u again but I have a question, I had a egg that was cracked well two one clearly died but when I cracked it open and poured it out to look at it, it had thick yellow white almost sludge like substance inside like almost if u had attempted to cook it, now I know my temp was 99 I have 5 different thermometers at different levels, this was a shipped egg would this be what a scrambled egg looked like if it was ruff handled during shipping? It kinda looked like old clumped greese.
Well I was wondering how the nest thing was going to work out, as 2 of my geese kept laying in the same nest. Today I had to end up separating the Toulouse pair from the American Buff pair, as there were totally bullying the gander. When I did this, the American goose sat on her eggs. I just removed 9 eggs 2 days before, and had the incubators warmed up to stick them in. I decided to wait until the evening to see if she was still on the nest, and she was. So I went back down and placed the eggs around her, and she just started adding them to the nest. The Italian/Skåne mix is in with the Buffs, and she has laid some of these eggs. She became very interested when I did this. Then she started pushing in on the nest and moving some of the eggs around. Now both are squished in on the same nest. This is good, as there are 15 eggs in there, and one goose was not going to be able to keep them all warm.

Things have settled down, now that we separated the Toulouse out. They are just plain mean. They are a**holes, to tell you the truth. This pair is supposed to be the tamest, eating out of your hand, but they are hissing mean a**holes right now. I am so hoping they get over this soon. The goose has shown no signs of laying eggs yet. They only just started being able to properly mate, just under 2 weeks ago. The lady I got them from only had a small baby pool for them. Geese this size need deeper water to mate in. I see the gander mating her all the time, but no eggs yet.

And when can I expect their behaviour to change? Is it after they sit on the eggs, or after the babies hatch?

Behavior will change when breeding season starts to wane, but if they have goslings it will continue. Since they have only been mating for just under 2 weeks give her a few more to see eggs. Geese go from being pretty docile to being Frankenstein during breeding season. It's only natural.
I'm sorry to bug u again but I have a question, I had a egg that was cracked well two one clearly died but when I cracked it open and poured it out to look at it, it had thick yellow white almost sludge like substance inside like almost if u had attempted to cook it, now I know my temp was 99 I have 5 different thermometers at different levels, this was a shipped egg would this be what a scrambled egg looked like if it was ruff handled during shipping? It kinda looked like old clumped greese.

It just sounds like an incubating default. Probably temperature problem. The embryo did and gave up by the sounds of it. But it also sounds as if the egg was infertile?
I also have a question: my thermometer was acting strange so I put in a new one and once I put in the new one it read 35 degrees Celsius? my eggs are on day 23 and I'm now wondering did my eggs develop under 35 degrees Celsius the whole time?!
The normal temperature for a goose is 37.7 degrees Celsius (still air incubator).
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It just sounds like an incubating default. Probably temperature problem. The embryo did and gave up by the sounds of it. But it also sounds as if the egg was infertile?

Well I don't know about infertile it was on day 7 and it had a small red spot but never got no veins and it also had a red ring but not complete, but when it started turning dark I knew it must have died so I cracked it open and it had normal yolk watery stuff and this thick sludge stuff the best I can explain it, it looked like u heated butter then poured it in water and it clobbered looked really strange I just figured it's how a scrambled egg looked or something.

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