2020 BYC Calendar - We Need Your Pictures!

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id submit a pic but lets be real if its not in the first few pages of this thread no one will see it anyways

I'm still looking at all the photos on this thread, surely I'm not the only one.

I think a lot of people are still looking, so you should submit your pic! Plus, a BYC calendar team looks over all the pictures and picks the winners, so even if it is not seen by a lot of people it could still get in the calendar.

This doesn't really matter.
The pictures are all collected and voted/judged on at the end of this contest.
They ALL get looked at/included.

@Poultrybonkers x2 on what @guineapeeps and @Texas Kiki said! Whether you're the first person to post a picture on this thread or the last one, they all get looked at and considered for the calendar.
Here's my two ☺️
@sumi Can I upload the image here WITH a small watermark if I offer to supply the unmarked version via PM if selected? I'm a little weary of unfaithful people who might not abide by fair use rules. :oops:

If that's a no, that's fine. I have backups already uploaded here unmarked.

I had the same concerns but I previously asked Sumi on another thread and I was told yes as long as I can provide unwatermarked versions if/when needed :)

When you post them just be sure to say you can provide unwatermarked versions if needed etc.
@sumi Can I upload the image here WITH a small watermark if I offer to supply the unmarked version via PM if selected? I'm a little weary of unfaithful people who might not abide by fair use rules. :oops:

If that's a no, that's fine. I have backups already uploaded here unmarked.
Yes, you can, as long as you have an unmarked pic ready for in case we shortlist you :)
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