2022 The Rest of the Story



15 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
I've decided that instead of making a record thread for every hatch, I'll just have one thread for the year. Of course I'm 6 months late with that idea, but I'm starting now with my July 3rd hatch -- several of which actually hatched on the 1st and 2nd.

I set 22 eggs, put 14 into lockdown, and hatched 10 chicks. (Trying to figure out why I had 3 DIS: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/causes-for-dead-in-shell-after-pipping.1537121/)

Here are the little cuties. I put them into a bucket while I picked up the paper towels and filled up their feed and water.

bucket of babies.jpg

One of these first two pale blues was my early bird, who hatched on day 19.

Baby 1.jpg

baby 2.jpg

Lots of black in this hatch. I'm still waiting on my first splash. :(

These next two have a lot of on their heads but do not quite *exactly* have head spots.

baby 3.jpg
baby 4.jpg

I can't be sure yet, but I *think* that all but the first 2 chicks are black.

baby 5.jpg
baby 6.jpg
baby 8.jpg
baby 10.jpg

I tried to hatch only Australorp eggs this time, but I have 2 with feathered feet so I either got the Cochin's eggs too or Ludwig, the Black Langshan, was the father.

baby 7.jpg

baby 10.jpg


  • baby 9.jpg
    baby 9.jpg
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I've decided that instead of making a record thread for every hatch, I'll just have one thread for the year. Of course I'm 6 months late with that idea, but I'm starting now with my July 3rd hatch -- several of which actually hatched on the 1st and 2nd.

I set 22 eggs, put 14 into lockdown, and hatched 10 chicks. (Trying to figure out why I had 3 DIS: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/causes-for-dead-in-shell-after-pipping.1537121/)

Here are the little cuties. I put them into a bucket while I picked up the paper towels and filled up their feed and water.

View attachment 3177672

One of these first two pale blues was my early bird, who hatched on day 19.

View attachment 3177650
View attachment 3177652

Lots of black in this hatch. I'm still waiting on my first splash. :(

These next two have a lot of on their heads but do not quite *exactly* have head spots.

View attachment 3177655View attachment 3177656

I can't be sure yet, but I *think* that all but the first 2 chicks are black.

View attachment 3177658View attachment 3177660View attachment 3177666View attachment 3177670

I tried to hatch only Australorp eggs this time, but I have 2 with feathered feet so I either got the Cochin's eggs too or Ludwig, the Black Langshan, was the father.

View attachment 3177663
View attachment 3177670
Such cute babies!!!
Congratulations on em all!
I've decided that instead of making a record thread for every hatch, I'll just have one thread for the year. Of course I'm 6 months late with that idea, but I'm starting now with my July 3rd hatch -- several of which actually hatched on the 1st and 2nd.

I set 22 eggs, put 14 into lockdown, and hatched 10 chicks. (Trying to figure out why I had 3 DIS: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/causes-for-dead-in-shell-after-pipping.1537121/)

Here are the little cuties. I put them into a bucket while I picked up the paper towels and filled up their feed and water.

View attachment 3177672

One of these first two pale blues was my early bird, who hatched on day 19.

View attachment 3177650
View attachment 3177652

Lots of black in this hatch. I'm still waiting on my first splash. :(

These next two have a lot of on their heads but do not quite *exactly* have head spots.

View attachment 3177655View attachment 3177656

I can't be sure yet, but I *think* that all but the first 2 chicks are black.

View attachment 3177658View attachment 3177660View attachment 3177666View attachment 3177670

I tried to hatch only Australorp eggs this time, but I have 2 with feathered feet so I either got the Cochin's eggs too or Ludwig, the Black Langshan, was the father.

View attachment 3177663
View attachment 3177670
So cute!!!!
It was still 90F at 9pm so the <week-old chicks are completely ignoring their brooder plate and sleeping in the open. Unfortunately I couldn't get a picture through the wire.

I think that they understand where to go when the temperature drops. Might have to check on them in the wee hours if I wake up and find that a front has come through.
I've decided that instead of making a record thread for every hatch, I'll just have one thread for the year. Of course I'm 6 months late with that idea, but I'm starting now with my July 3rd hatch -- several of which actually hatched on the 1st and 2nd.

I set 22 eggs, put 14 into lockdown, and hatched 10 chicks. (Trying to figure out why I had 3 DIS: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/causes-for-dead-in-shell-after-pipping.1537121/)

Here are the little cuties. I put them into a bucket while I picked up the paper towels and filled up their feed and water.

View attachment 3177672

One of these first two pale blues was my early bird, who hatched on day 19.

View attachment 3177650
View attachment 3177652

Lots of black in this hatch. I'm still waiting on my first splash. :(

These next two have a lot of on their heads but do not quite *exactly* have head spots.

View attachment 3177655View attachment 3177656

I can't be sure yet, but I *think* that all but the first 2 chicks are black.

View attachment 3177658View attachment 3177660View attachment 3177666View attachment 3177670

I tried to hatch only Australorp eggs this time, but I have 2 with feathered feet so I either got the Cochin's eggs too or Ludwig, the Black Langshan, was the father.

View attachment 3177663
View attachment 3177670
WOW! Thats really somethin'! Look at all that life! Welcome to the world ~ Good luck little buddies! Your in good hands!
Here are some of the 5 survivors from the May Ideal purchase -- the ones the snake left me.

They are 11 weeks now.

I was trying to get photos of the Wyandottes and seem to have forgotten to take pictures of the Delawares.

The single-combed Wyandotte is worrying me with the white on the wings. I'm reminding myself that one of my previous Wyandotte girls had bad lacing like that but was unquestionably female.
Here are some of the 5 survivors from the May Ideal purchase -- the ones the snake left me.

They are 11 weeks now.
View attachment 3214974View attachment 3214975View attachment 3214976View attachment 3214979View attachment 3214984View attachment 3214985

I was trying to get photos of the Wyandottes and seem to have forgotten to take pictures of the Delawares.

The single-combed Wyandotte is worrying me with the white on the wings. I'm reminding myself that one of my previous Wyandotte girls had bad lacing like that but was unquestionably female.
My d'uccles found a 4" little snake this afternoon and took off chasing each other for it.
My babies are all bantams so was surprised when it was definitely a little snake! But them not having head feathers like the silkies and satins made them where they saw it easier I guess.
I didn't see where you had a snake incident.
What happened?
DH was concerned bout a large snake getting into the coop and living in wait underneath the deep bedding...
I hadn't ever heard of that happening on BYC...have you,
My d'uccles found a 4" little snake this afternoon and took off chasing each other for it.
My babies are all bantams so was surprised when it was definitely a little snake! But them not having head feathers like the silkies and satins made them where they saw it easier I guess.
I didn't see where you had a snake incident.
What happened?
DH was concerned bout a large snake getting into the coop and living in wait underneath the deep bedding...
I hadn't ever heard of that happening on BYC...have you,

I lost 7 of 12 chicks to 2 visits from a black rat snake in June and had two more snakes in the main coop after that.

One ate a golf ball and is unlikely to survive that misjudgement. The other upset a broody by eating most of her eggs and was relocated to the very back of the property.

I put a floor on my brooder and I *think* I've identified the weakness in the main coop, a place where a warp in a post has opened up a slight gap in the wire. I know what to do to fix it -- we always meant to put trim boards on anyway after prices came down -- but haven't fixed it yet.

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