21 week old polish hen, HELP!!!


In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2021
** VET UPDATE** Can't find anything wrong with Al. Negative for parasites, not eggbound, no blockages. We started antibiotics twice daily for 7 days, and they tube fed her today. She has a nice full crop now. She's still not eating on her own but drinking alot. They said to continue with the corid for 5 to 7 days and repeat de worm in 10. And to keep an eye on her and the rest of the flock. 🤷🏼‍♀️ a pretty penny later and still at square one. But she's worth it. Thanks again everyone! I'll update again at the end of the abx.

Although she seemed a little better this morning, Alberta Einstein was still not eating and still not quite herself. I have decided to take her to the Avian vet and we are awaiting a call from them. Hoping it is nothing too serious. These birds are my pets and apart of our family. I want to thank everyone for your help. I will update when we know more.

Anyone, please help! 21 week old polish hen. Started this morning seeming lethargic, ruffled feathers, not really eating but drinking, standing around and super watery poop. I Separated and now this evening is gasping?? But not making any sounds. Still not eating this evening but drinking. No swelling of face or abdomen. No drainage of eyes or mouth. No bubbles in eyes. Crop is empty. Has not eaten but a couple bites of scrambled eggs this morning, looked inside mouth, don't see anything. Hasn't laid an egg yet, but doesn't feel like there's one in there. Just wants me to hold her. Very lethargic, comb turning pale now. Still pooping very watery with tiny amounts of stool (green or dark brown). No wheezing, no coughing, no sneezing. Totally fine yesterday. This is my 13 yr old daughter's pet. I need to save her. Please tell me what to do. Is this coccidiosis? Or parasites?
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Poor baby. Can you elaborate on the gasping? The heat lamp was a good call, but can she get away from it if she wants to? Open beak breathing can also be from being overheated or in pain. Can uou entice hef to drink by holding a littke cup to her beak? I’ve had a couple love to drink from the lid of a water bottle. Go figure!
Poor baby. Can you elaborate on the gasping? The heat lamp was a good call, but can she get away from it if she wants to? Open beak breathing can also be from being overheated or in pain. Can uou entice hef to drink by holding a littke cup to her beak? I’ve had a couple love to drink from the lid of a water bottle. Go figure!
It's like she's dry heaving? If that makes sense? Yes she can get away from the lamp but tends to just stand there. She is drinking on her own but I also noticed she was falling asleep often so them I was dropper feeding her. I have a video of her doing it, but I couldn't get out to attach. I'll try again.
It's like she's dry heaving? If that makes sense? Yes she can get away from the lamp but tends to just stand there. She is drinking on her own but I also noticed she was falling asleep often so them I was dropper feeding her. I have a video of her doing it, but I couldn't get out to attach. I'll try again.
If she is indoors than it can't be worms. She needs to be able to get away from the heat lamp.
She can get away, and I had only just turned that on. They all free range daily and have a large outdoor run they go in daily too.
I would go ahead and give her Corid, just in case of coccidiosis. Use the 2 tsp per gallon dose of liquid Corid for 5-7 days. If you can take some fresh droppings in tho your vet’s office this morning, that could help to rule out worms or coccidiosis. Valbazen 1/2 tsp given orally and repeated after 10 days, is very good to treat for most chicken worms.

Work on trying to get her drinking. Foods such as mushy chicken feed, scrambled eggs, and canned cat food in moderation can be given with a little water or Corid water. Poultry NutriDrench 2 ml orally may give a boost of vitamins and electrolytes quickly, but stop it while you use Corid, then resume.
I would go ahead and give her Corid, just in case of coccidiosis. Use the 2 tsp per gallon dose of liquid Corid for 5-7 days. If you can take some fresh droppings in tho your vet’s office this morning, that could help to rule out worms or coccidiosis. Valbazen 1/2 tsp given orally and repeated after 10 days, is very good to treat for most chicken worms.

Work on trying to get her drinking. Foods such as mushy chicken feed, scrambled eggs, and canned cat food in moderation can be given with a little water or Corid water. Poultry NutriDrench 2 ml orally may give a boost of vitamins and electrolytes quickly, but stop it while you use Corid, then resume.
Thank you for responding! I did start corid last night for all. I also had ivermectin paste and gave a bb size to my entire flock. She made it through the night 🥰. Her poops look a little more normal and She's slightly more alert this morning. Drinking a ton on her own. Still no food. I called the local avian vet and just waiting for a call back. I plan on stopping at tractor supply after work to stock up on meds.
Ivermectin may not treat chicken worms as well as it once did. Valbazen is more likely found online, and treats just about all chicken worms. Glad that she is drinking today. I would try to entice her with small amounts of tuna or canned cat food. Then switch back to chicken feed, and usually wet feed is tempting.
Still not eating this evening but drinking.

It's like she's dry heaving?
I know you mention her crop is empty, but I would re-check that again.
Photos of the poop in natural lighting would be good.

In addition to treating her as suggested in previous posts - consider a crop/digestive issue if she's acting like she's dry heaving. She may have a partial blockage.
This article will get you started - yes - the treatment(s) in this article can be used in conjunction with treatment for worms and coccidiosis. https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...w-to-know-which-one-youre-dealing-with.73607/

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