23 week old EE Pullet strange crowing??


Mar 2, 2020
I got a sweet EE pullet from an individual who claims she's never sexed wrong. She's sweet and the bottom of the pecking order in our small flock of 3 ladies. She's always been very quiet until I noticed her making and odd roaring sound a few days ago in the afternoon.

She loves my attention and paces back and forth at the door until I come over every time she sees me. This morning around 7am I went out to give the girls treats before leaving to go to work. I heard her making a crowing sound but not a complete "cockadoodledoo". More of just a "cocka, cocka, cocka" over and over stretching her neck but very clear, not scratchy. I can't have roosters here so it worried me. She hasn't made a sound since.

She's hasn't layed yet but has no development of sickle feathers or spurs and is very skiddish of her two sisters though she loves people. I thought maybe she was excited to see me or is getting close to laying and figuring herself out?

I've heard of hens or pullets making a crow sound before but I'm worried... what do you think?

Pictures for reference"


I have a cockerel Cochin bantam named Charli. He is sooo freaking cute but fails with the ladies. I often find him flirting with me as if I was a hen. It’s so freaking cute!

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