23 weeks, no eggs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 24, 2009
Norco, CA
I have the most stubborn chickens. I'm praying for my first egg. I have 7 hens and 1 roo. They are all 23 weeks except for three of them at about 20 weeks. They free range all day and spend the night in the coop. I see all of the egg laying behaviors-sqwat, cackle, today I even saw the roo mount one of the girls. Our weather here has been wacky hot n'windy, cool, hot, now cool again. The days are getting shorter. What if they dont lay soon, will they hold off until spring? I talk to these girls everyday asking them where are my eggs! They love it, they follow me all over looking for the eggs. Going egg crazy here.
I heard it can take longer than that but if their combs and wattles have turned nice and red and they are squatting it will either be very soon OR they have a secret stash. Anyway if there is a stash I hope you find it soon or ....it'll be
for you
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Can relate. We have five Orps at 24th week and no eggs yet. I mean, show me the money you lowfers! I feel like I spoil them rottten and am on my third 50lb. bag of food. They are getting big and fat too. I hope they know that Thanksgiving is around the corner.
I've got a BUNCH that simply don't lay. I'm about ready to rehome them all and order the MPC rainbow layers.

I have 5 W/BW Ameraucanas... 3 hatched Feb. 21st, 2 hatched April 25th. NO EGGS.

The only pullet from my Feb hatch that is laying is my CA leghorn from bargain's eggs.

None of my April 25th girls have layed an egg.

Looks like you've joined my club.
They need a few weeks...23 weeks is a bit young for many and then factor in shorter days.My 26 week old brown egg layers just started last week-2 out of 8 of them and none of the April EE's have started only 1 looks close. I have 3 more blood red but they like to bug me and look at the nesting boxes

Patience the eggs will come...if you want eggs sooner then stick with the white egg layers
If they aren't a sex-link breed of bird, then this is completely normal. Sex-link breeds lay much earlier than standards do. Standards lay around 23 to 26 wks. old depending on the breed, but you also have to factor in the shorter days we are having now. A lot of chickens are slowing way down now and some aren't laying at all.

Just be patient! I know it's hard to be (I'm trying to be patient with my Lav. Orps. right now), but they will lay sooner or later.

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