24 weeks can't tell gender


5 Years
Apr 20, 2014
Hello all!

This is my first time owning chickens. When we bought them we were told both were pullets. I'm estimating them to be around 24 weeks of age and neither as laid an egg, however neither does what I would consider crowing either.

One is a New Hampshire Red and the other is an Easter Egger. Both get along just fine and don't fight or horse around with each other so I'm guess at least one of them is female. You can't tell in the pictures by the Red is starting to get black tips on her (his?) tail feathers. The Red is much sweeter than the EE who likes to be left alone by people.

So, what does everyone think? Male or Females?
They are both hens, I'm surprised the NH isn't laying yet but EEs tend to take their time starting to lay.

Their combs getting really red is a good indicator that they'll start laying soon.

Thanks! I'll be on the lookout for the red combs.

both female, that's for sure. That red bird at least looks like she should be laying. I notice they're ranging in the picture, is that a regular thing? If so, you might try confining them to a coop for a few days and see if you get any eggs. Free range birds can get VERY creative about where they hide their eggs

both female, that's for sure. That red bird at least looks like she should be laying. I notice they're ranging in the picture, is that a regular thing? If so, you might try confining them to a coop for a few days and see if you get any eggs. Free range birds can get VERY creative about where they hide their eggs :rolleyes:

X2! There may be a secret nest full of brown eggs.

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