25 more Ringnecks on the way tomorrow...


Pheasant Obsessed
11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
The Sticks, Vermont
Picking up 25 more Ringneck Pheasants, Mongolian strain. Putting abotu 2 Dz. Kansas Blue back Ringnecks in the bator sometime this week too. I will be overrun with pheasants.
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ticks, i am happy for you and yes you are going to be over run with beautiful pheasants. I have a few pheasant eggs in the bator now. For a friend of my husbands...he will be bringing 25 more eggs for me to incubate Thurs. Do you have any wisdom you can share with me? I would appreciate any help or advice. I'm kinda nervous..I think it is because the eggs are some one Else's and not mine. What if none of them hatch? I am actually worrying about this. DJ
got them today, they gave me 22 regular Ringnecks, 5 Melanistic mutants and a chocolate colored one, I'm unsure of the strain

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