26 week old Ancona...not laying yet?


Aug 1, 2021
She's looked like a fully developed hen for 4-6 weeks or more. Huge red floppy comb and wattles. She's been going in and out of the nest for that long too. She doesn't really squat much, but seems to be starting a bit.

She free ranges, but I kept her locked up for 3 days a week or two ago to see if maybe she was laying in an unauthorized nest, but no egg.

She's also got tiny spur nubs. And tried to crow the other day. (Very poorly, but she tried.) She's definite girl like in the way she holds her body and demeanor though.

Is it possible she's intersex? Or just a late bloomer?
Here's some pics of Edna. She's a witch. But I love her anyway and would hate to have to eat her for being defective. Highlighted her spur bud.


Yes, but is she potentially intersex or defective? I thought Anconas were supposed to be early layers?

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