28 Week Old EE FINALLY laid an egg.....

I just find that a little funny. A skinny leghorn lays HUGE eggs and a fat EE lays skinny eggs
What a pretty egg, I got my first 3 EE eggs from my 18-20 week olds. I thought they were green but after seeing your pic mine look more blue, hmmmm.... interesting !!

lol we had a 10 month old (+ more prob. we got her fully grown) not lay an egg until 3 weeks ago

congrats on you EE egg!

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Yay for green eggs!!

And such a nice, dark full green too!! I remember how excited I was when I discovered one of my EEs is a green egger... my husband thought I was a complete nut job. I walked around grinning and caressing that egg for like 20 minutes. I took pictures on my camera phone and sent picture messages to a bunch of people. I was so happy!!

Congrats to you!! I feel your excitement
They have never seen the big chickens outside (the cats both stay indoors) But they both love the baby chicks. One of them is a bator alarm (when the eggs start to peep/hatch the cat watches, meows and will come get me if im not in the room) That can get old after a while. The other loves to cuddle and lick the babies, LOL !!! What odd balls huh ?

How bout yours ? Do yours like them ? How many do you have ?
So yours are surrogate mommas! How adorable! You need to post some pics of that sometime!

We just have one - a peke faced male named is Jinx. He stays inside but every once in a while if someone leaves the door open he decides he wants to check out the backyard and creeps slowly about - but one loud noise and he panics and runs inside.

He sniffs the chickens intently (if they are inside penned up) is terrified if he sees them outside and likes to huff (our term for sniff with dedication) eggs and my hands after I visit the girls.

Mostly I think he thinks hes just one of us. He is an only cat, so I don't think he knows the difference.

I would love to see what he does with chicks around. Persians are so peculiar..
We have 3 EE pullets that will be 20 weeks the end of January. Although they are bantams, one is heavy to pickup! She also does not like to be set back down. Hope we don't have to wait too long for eggs from any of them... Can't afford to keep feeding the bruisers!

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