3 1/2 mo old chicken questions


9 Years
Jan 2, 2011
I have 3 chickens that 3.5 mo. old. Here's my questions. When do they start laying eggs? What kind of hay do I need to use for them to lay. Does the laying box need a lip on the edge? And 2 don't hardly have a comb or wattle and one does. But the one I was sure was a hen is super aggressive. First she'd rather eat out of my hand than off the ground and in the process tries to take off a finger. If my dog comes near the food she's eating she goes after the dog and tries to claw her face off. (which I might add is downright hilarious since my dog is a 70 lb. boxer) She follows me everywhere and is fearless. So she seems more like roosters i've heard of. But she has no wattle or comb. (barnyard mixes btw). The americauna mix appears to be a hen and nervous but placid. Then there's the barred rock mix (I think) And he has a comb and wattle, but this guy is the biggest chicken ever (no pun intended). He hides from everyone and when the other two come out to eat, he watches from under the deck and darts out to get a few bites before hiding again. He's not remotely aggressive or alert. And if he gets separated from the other two he just cries and cries. So am I confused on the sex? Or can hens be that dominant and roos that submissive? Oh and the other thing is they like to hang out under the deck...is that normal? I'm worried they'll start laying down there and I won't know. Thanks in advance!
I have 3 chickens that 3.5 mo. old. Here's my questions.
When do they start laying eggs? Somewhere around 20-26 weeks, or when they're ready, and not a day earlier. As spring approaches, the sunlight gets longer and their hormones will kick in.

What kind of hay do I need to use for them to lay. Wood shavings work fine, as does yellow hay.

Does the laying box need a lip on the edge? Yes, it works best if there is a 3" front lip.

And 2 don't hardly have a comb or wattle and one does. But the one I was sure was a hen is super aggressive. First she'd rather eat out of my hand than off the ground and in the process tries to take off a finger. If my dog comes near the food she's eating she goes after the dog and tries to claw her face off. (which I might add is downright hilarious since my dog is a 70 lb. boxer) She follows me everywhere and is fearless. So she seems more like roosters i've heard of. But she has no wattle or comb. (barnyard mixes btw). The americauna mix appears to be a hen and nervous but placid. Then there's the barred rock mix (I think) And he has a comb and wattle, but this guy is the biggest chicken ever (no pun intended). He hides from everyone and when the other two come out to eat, he watches from under the deck and darts out to get a few bites before hiding again. He's not remotely aggressive or alert. And if he gets separated from the other two he just cries and cries. So am I confused on the sex? Quite possibly. Combs and wattles are not the only sex characteristics. Within a few weeks, the sex of each bird will be come clearer.

Or can hens be that dominant and roos that submissive? Eventually, a rooster will become dominant and begin to mount the pullets.

Oh and the other thing is they like to hang out under the deck...is that normal?
I'm worried they'll start laying down there and I won't know. It is quite possible that they will lay under the deck. I prefer to keep pullets nearing point of lay in the coop/run until they have mastered the laying boxes. I don't do Easter egg hunts.

Thanks in advance!

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