
Jun 19, 2020
I started off with incubating eggs one day and only one hatched. I ordered 6 more from my pet chicken hatchery to keep this chick company. At the moment, they are all 2 months and a few days and are fully feathered and kept in a separate coop inside my older chickens run.
2 weeks ago, when locking them all up, I found one laying in the run dead. It wasnt injured and there was no sign of it being sick. I despised of it right away and then two nights ago, the same exact thing happened with no sign of injury or disease. Immediately disposing of it, I watched them for the last 2 days. Tonight THE SAME THING!
Any ideas about what is going in?? It is chilly so I though they might've frozen but all of them werent even huddled with the others and they are fully feathered!
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I’d suspect some type of disease if there are not injuries on any of them. Anything potentially poisonous they could get into? Molded feed?
I don't think anything I have fed them because I dont give any special treat to chicks until at least 4 months old. As for the feed, there feed is always given to them straight away. Unless a rodent sneaked into the bag (possibility). Thanks for your input 😁
What is your coop setup like? Do you have any pictures? Have any of the chickens been puffed up, lethargic, stopped eating, or had runny poops before they died? How cold has it been. At this age coccidiosis can be common, so I would be looking out for the symptoms above. Corid is a treatment. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. If you lose another, I would get a necropsy performed by your state poultry vet. Sorry for your loss.
Do any of the others appear weak or trouble standing? Droopy looking feathers?
Yes, their tail feathers seem to droop. Although I did notice this, I didn't think anything of it because I thought that this happens when they are young. No trouble standing though. I am sure though that one of those that died was sick but seemed to get better. But the two latest ones didn't appear sick.
What is your coop setup like? Do you have any pictures? Have any of the chickens been puffed up, lethargic, stopped eating, or had runny poops before they died? How cold has it been. At this age coccidiosis can be common, so I would be looking out for the symptoms above. Corid is a treatment. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. If you lose another, I would get a necropsy performed by your state poultry vet. Sorry for your loss.
Okay...I will keep watch....thanks so much everyone for your help!!

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