3 Day old baby chick looking greasy not feeding nor drinking.

Mar 31, 2020
United Kingdom
Hello, does anyone know what could be going on? Our 3 days old baby chick is looking greasy and refuses to feed or drink looking a bit sad and lost. I think he came out of the incubator looking a bit greasy, but I was wondering if he is actually getting greasier by day. We have suspected that some other chick might have pooped on part of him, so we spot washed him. Tried to encourage drinking through pipette, but he is adament about not opening his beak. Are we looking at a grim situation or he just needs time?
Can you please post some photos of your chick?

If he's not eating and drinking, then the first step would be to start getting him hydrated. Give drop by drop a little sugar water or if you have Poultry Nutri-Drench give 1-2 drops of that followed by a couple of drops of plain water. Take care to let the chick swallow each drop before you give more.

Once hydrated, see if he's interested in eating a bit of food.
Here is the video of the chick taken half hour ago. He seems to be growing weaker and does not come out of brooder anymore. When in hand, he can get sloppy and sleep in hand on his side. He feels different, weak and perhaps dehydrated to touch. We use Brinsea EcoGlow brooder hot plate. He seem is very quiet, hardly ever peeping. Very lethargic and sleepy. He keeps panting for several minutes after drop feeding. I kept feeding him fresh yolk mixed with little water today, but he does not enjoy having it and he doesnt seem to be getting any better with it. It is like he is unable to swallow properly. I would like to think I have seen him eating a bit some 24 hrs after he has hatched, but I could be wrong. I feel he is not able to make it. I will try to attach the video.
Here is the video of the chick taken half hour ago. He seems to be growing weaker and does not come out of brooder anymore. When in hand, he can get sloppy and sleep in hand on his side. He feels different, weak and perhaps dehydrated to touch. We use Brinsea EcoGlow brooder hot plate. He seem is very quiet, hardly ever peeping. Very lethargic and sleepy. He keeps panting for several minutes after drop feeding. I kept feeding him fresh yolk mixed with little water today, but he does not enjoy having it and he doesnt seem to be getting any better with it. It is like he is unable to swallow properly. I would like to think I have seen him eating a bit some 24 hrs after he has hatched, but I could be wrong. I feel he is not able to make it. I will try to attach the video.
There's no video.

Tip: to add a video, it must be uploaded to YouTube(Or Similar), & linked back here.
The video seems to large to attach. Anyway, there are more observations. I am getting pretty sure it is her tummy. whether she has developed some infection (all eggs in this batch were quite soiled) or has been born with some underdeveloped digestive tract. She is having (very occasionally) a poo which is very runny very yellow with some streaks of white. She used to be suffering quietly, but since afternoon she complains all the time. She will not lie down and tries to sleep while standing. It is almost like her tummy feels so sore that she does not want to compress lying down. She keeps panting gently time to time and feels different to hold to other chicks (I cant figure out what it is and I do not want to excesively move her to figure out, but I wonder if she is bloated). Her whole body moves when she is breathing. Poor little thing. And the other chicks now figured out that she is sick so they keep pecking at her. She never leaves the brooder on her own unless we remove her. I have now held her for some 3+ hours so that she could be supported by my hands a little making sure she was not cold either. She kept dosing on and off crying in between. I have tried to give her a weak brew of oregano with a pinch of sugar. I will get some chicken nutritional supplements tomorrow morning. I have kept her under brooder plate with other chicks for night, but not sure I have done the right thing. I do not have another brooder provision to keep her separated. Perhaps I could put a little box for her under the brooder to keep her separated and not being pecked on. She keeps other chicks awake with her crying and in return keeps getting pecks from the siblings. I am not sure she would like to be entirely alone. It is kind of catch 22.
For video, you would need to upload to another platform like Youtube and provide a link.
The BYC upload doesn't work at all.

Poor little one, it doesn't sound very good. If she's in pain, then consider ending her suffering.
Sometimes the best you can do is see if you can get them to rally with some electrolytes and eat. Unfortunately some chicks fail to thrive.

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