3 first eggs in one day?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 24, 2011
I went out to feed the chickens today and found 3 eggs laying about. 2 small white eggs and one even smaller light tan egg. I raised these chickens from chicks(hatched in July) and didn't expect any eggs till maybe spring. I have 3- Sultan bantam hens,2- Silver Sebright hens and 2- Porcelain D'uccle hens...not sure on which the eggs came from.

Someone said that you shouldn't eat the first egg from a hen...any truth to that? I don't have these chickens for the eggs to eat....but I think it's too cold to be trying to incubate and raise chicks.
I eat the first egg frm my hens. I haven't ever heard of that before. I also incubate and raise chicks all year round. I have winter brooders that are easier to heat! The incubator and hatcher are in my office in the house and the 3 brooders are in the shop outside. Just keep chicks warm, draft free with feed and water in front of them and there fine!

congrats! I've had multiple first eggs in one day, the first EE I ever had laid their eggs within hours of each other. Just had two lay for the first time yesterday too, they were even singing the egg song together!
I always eat the first eggs too
I know your not supposed to eat the first egg if their on medicated feed. But if they're not, it'll be fine.
Such a nice surprise, isn't it? I ate my first eggs. I find first eggs always taste the very best!
I have gone through almost a 50lb bag of layer since I switched from the medicated "grower"stuff... You think I'm ok with that? My youngest can't wait to eat one of his chickens little eggs
I have gone through almost a 50lb bag of layer since I switched from the medicated "grower"stuff... You think I'm ok with that? My youngest can't wait to eat one of his chickens little eggs

You're fine, then! I'm guessing it took more than 2 weeks for your bantams to go through 50 lbs of feed!

Enjoy!! Bantam eggs are the best!

I went home for lunch today and found 4 eggs in the nest boxes that were laid sometime between 9:15 and 12:30 (I have 5 hens, 4 of whom just started laying in December).
Three were laid in the same nest box! What a sight (and racket!) that must have been

My little bantam, however, prefers to lay in the box farthest away from that one--it's her own little piece of real estate.
One more small white egg in the coop yesterday...that makes four eggs out of 7 hens in the the last 2 days.
Ok...it's been a while now.

I've been getting 4-6 eggs a day from these little hens. Quite amazing considering they are not supposed to be good layers. Now to find out which eggs are coming from which type of chicken. I get small white eggs, small tan eggs close to the same size as the white eggs and small tan eggs that are even smaller.

Any ideas?

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