3 roosters and 6 hens

That is all good advice you were given, but let me ask you some questions:

How big is your coop?
How big is your run?
Is at least part of your run covered?
Do you free range the birds? And if so, daily and for how long?
Where are you located?
What kind of weather will your chickens experience? Lots of rain means lots of coop time.

Please upload some pictures of your setup for us.

When selecting the 'right' cockerel to stay, how about letting your hens decide, as they will have to live and get along with him.
I have discussed it with my family, and since we live in Thousand Oaks CA, we think it best to find homes for all of them (even though we love them). We bring them inside every night and stick them in our laundry room so they don’t bother the neighbors.
That is all good advice you were given, but let me ask you some questions:

How big is your coop?
How big is your run?
Is at least part of your run covered?
Do you free range the birds? And if so, daily and for how long?
Where are you located?
What kind of weather will your chickens experience? Lots of rain means lots of coop time.

Please upload some pictures of your setup for us.

When selecting the 'right' cockerel to stay, how about letting your hens decide, as they will have to live and get along with him.
Thank you so much for your ideas!
I hatched a new batch of eggs about 8 months ago, I got out 2 hens and 3 roosters. I already had four hens, but decided to expand the flock. I tamed the roosters by holding them every day, “pecking” them with my fingers if they misbehaved, and tossing them around a bit. I would never throw my hens, but I wanted my roosters to behave so I’m a bit more rough with them. I have stopped doing that now because they haven’t given me trouble since a few month ago when they went through a pecking phase. They don’t attack me or anyone in my family and are actually really sweet! 2 of them have started fighting a bit, but it’s only during chicken time durning the evening and the third rooster breaks it up. Is it unusual that my roosters are so sweet, and do I have to worry about them in the future with the hens? Is there a certain time of year when roosters do get aggressive, like mating season? I’m not new to chickens, but I’m very new to roosters.
I had the sweetest Barred Rock Rooster named Sweetie Pie and he would follow me and let me pick him up and hold and pet him. One day though he decided to take a liking to my leg even though he had several hens about. I ended up with a few bloody spots around my ankles and lower legs by the time he had had his way with my leg as I tried to fight him off. That was through my long blue jeans too. His spurs really dug into my leg. Animals are animals is what I have come to think and should not be totally trusted. I would not have wanted that to happen to a child for sure. It was one of the only times any of my many types of pets have caused me to actually bleed. I didn't think he could actually hurt me at all before that. He eventually was killed by a predator and now I have nine roosters and I know that any of them can attack and will if they get scared or think there is a reason to do so.

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