3 week chicks in galvanized tub


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2015
San Diego county,CA
New at this so when we got the 4 new Americauna chicks I decided to put them in a galvanized tub with a red bulb heat lamp in our garage. They are now almost 3 weeks old and doing well I think. I have heard several opinions about when they can go outside. We live in So. Cal with mild weather. It is in the 70's now. Any advice?
We are in N. Cal. and we have mild weather now too. I took mine out at about 4 weeks for short periods. Do you have a yard, or protected place for them? Once they are feathered out they are good in our climate. I used an old large bird cage for my 6 and they were outside all the time by a couple of months.With a light at night. And I think they could have gone without it, but it made me feel better. It doesn't get down below 50 here except in winter. Good luck and this is a great site to learn stuff, or to just confirm what you're doing! Good luck.

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