3 week hold chick with small abcess

mn farm gal

May 12, 2021
I was hoping I wouldn't need to make a post like this. But I should have know things were going to smooth for my first time having chicks.

I have a 3 week old pullet that tonight I noticed has a small (seems to be and abcess) below her vent. It was slightly bloody which was the only reason I noticed it.

Upon closer inspection, it almost seems like a scrape? I used a damp paper towel to gently clean the blood off and it didn't appear to be bleeding excessively. Do I need to separate her from the others? Do I need to put something on it? The time I spent in the coop no one seemed to care about it, there was no picking on her or the spot. I have 15 chicks, 3 guineas and 2 bronze turkeys in the coop. They all are around the same age and size right now, and with plenty of room to spread out. Please help.

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