3 week old chicks breathing with beaks open


This is how high it was
We got our chicks from a local feed store. I don't know where they got them from, they were about three days old when we got them. They are about three weeks old.
How big is their box? Do they have at least 1 square foot per bird?? At 3 weeks, the max temp UNDER THE LIGHT should be no more than 80 - 85 degrees and with them heading into week number 4, drop that by an other 5 degrees. That's a conservative range, chicks are a lot more tolerant, and typically don't need as much heat as the standard suggests. You might work toward weaning them off the light for a couple hours/day if they're in your living space. Also, I'm not an expert, but do they have access to just plain water??? You might want to alternate giving them plain water with your ACV/grape extract blend. Enjoy your birds!
Here are temperature recommendations: (It is vital that you use a thermometer when you have a small area with chicks since they cannot get away from the heat)

First week of life, 90-95 degrees (I like to use the lower end of the temperature spectrum)
Second week of life, 85-90
Third week of life, 80-85
Fourth week of life, 75-80
Fifth week of life, 70-75
Sixth week of life, 70 degrees
When fully feathered (unless it is winter and brutally cold), no heat required - this means feathers even on the heads.

If you see them starting to huddle together they are too cold. When you see them cheerfully walking around, some sleeping off on their own and others eating and drinking, they are just right. IF you cannot get a thermometer since it is late, just watch the chicks. I would leave the light on them to estimate 80 degrees. You can do this by putting a meat thermometer down there too. Or even an oral thermometer - just leave it on for awhile so it can adjust.

I hope this helps! :)
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I think I have an outside thermometer around here somewhere I can put in there......it's def hotter in there than it should be. Thank you the help with the temp info. I'll have to find that thermometer.
Oh good, the chicks have spread themselves out all over the box and are sleeping. Thanks for the help and information. I will be sure to keep an eye on the temp inside the box.
Oh good, the chicks have spread themselves out all over the box and are sleeping. Thanks for the help and information. I will be sure to keep an eye on the temp inside the box.
that's splendid. Yes be sure to keep an eye on the temperature. If the chicks were outside it'd be different. Mine are outside with a lamp. (It's been cold and rainy)

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