3 week old Easter Egger Rooster??

Oh, wow ... I got Cutie and 3 others at Tractor supply, they were all supposed to be Easter Eggers. We don't eat our birds, they are pets. Is there a reason why I can't keep a meat bird with the others?
Oh oh yikes. Looks like if you want them to live you gotta restrict there diet. They have many health problems to like in hot summer than can have issues and you can possibly breed them if it mates with your hens and you do not want to breed that. They could possibly live up to a years or even more if you restrict there diets and take really good care. I suggest if you want them live long I usually give them a forage diet that means they have to find there food I give each only give them very minimal pellets each day and there high protein and lots of water.

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