3 week olds, can they go out for good?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 21, 2008
Southern Indiana
They'll be 4 weeks the 30th, they're going to be moved outdoors to the coop in a few days maybe a week or so (inside the coop) for space reasons and we we're wondering since they'll already be outside can they have access to outdoors and be put up at night, the coop has a roof and is surrounded in chicken wire buried, then concreted in some spots.
The temp is pretty hot, about 90s and I'll set up a small fan for them in and maybe out of the coop if its too hot. At night I'll have a lamp on for them, but this coming week they're ready to lower down to 75 which has been the regular outdoor temp. What do you all think?
Or they can just stay in the coop for another week or two not a big deal.

You might get by during the daytime but the night temps will get down there. I suggest keep a small wattage lamp for another week at least during the night.
If your nighttime temps are only going to be 75 and your chicks will be 4 weeks old, then yeah, they'll be fine. Allow them out in their run in the daytime IF IT'S COVERED and just put them up in the coop at night. In fact, with 90 degree daytime temps, it would be preferable for your chicks to be outside of the coop where they can get more air circulation. I assume the run is at least partially shaded? or you could use a tarp to create a shady spot. I don't like the idea of using heat lamps in a coop. That combination has caused many fires, I hear tell.
Yea we have quite a bit of shade for them almost the whole coop is covered, I could put the lamp up really high would that help any? it should keep pretty warm in there, either way they've never been without their lamp yet.

Along the same lines, it is June going into July with 89+ degree temps. Would it be safe to put my three day old chicks outside in the coop without a heater?
But if your chicks are 4 weeks old they don't need the temp to be higher than 75, so the heat lamp thing is up to you. I know it's hard to stop using the heat lamp as us new chick parents do worry.
I'm thinking I will keep the lights off while they're inside since the coop is still not done, they'll have time to adjust, and the temp will already be at 75 so it shouldn't be that bad for them.
thanks for the input


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