3 word game

This morning when I opened the door to my chicken coop... and there he stood. The biggest, meanest, and nastiest red fox with my favorite big, puffy, bunny slippers in his mouth! I ran for my sling shot! And beaned him right in the kisser. He yelped and barked as I reloaded one more bean. Then he bolted between my legs, bunny slippers still held hostage. I had to get my cast iron pan then smaked his butt. He started to cry! Surprised, I knelt down by the fox and said, sarcastically, "Oh, did that really hurt?" "What do you want from me" I almost said, "you can live". The fox then got killed by a shot from my pocket pistol. Then, I looked over my shoulder, as I heard a strange noise like I've never heard before. I drew my handy dandy notebook, took brief descriptions, and copied the liscense-plate of the scooter. Then I noticed that I was in the middle of a strange black hole. I became frightened and yelled for help! Then weird chanting began that sounded like the cry from the fox that ate my most favorite kitten. "Dead foxes?," I dont think we imagine such otherworldly predators to bother us and our itty bitty fluffy bunny slippers! However, I was surrounded by millions of eerie glowing eyes coming from a dead fox army. They circled around the black hole and started chanting like Buddhist Monks. "Ommm my gosh, I took out the wrong policy and accidently killed rapper Fat Joe!" But that is not very cool. So I had to bury him. I buried him in my bedroom, where he immediately came back alive! I was so disgusted by his lack of hygeine. He was so smelly he actually made me puke. So I decided to eat him!! But I couldn't fit him in my little mouth!! So instead of eating him I threw him onto my dining table! Then I called weird Perez Hilton to come and take his ear and grab it for the foxes. The foxes were swirling around outside waiting for their chance to devour Fat Joe's ear. Suddenly from nowhere Perez Hilton went screaming out the back of my chimney!!!!! I was running around in carnival ride. It took him up and down into a pool of very confused piranas who swam up Perez Hilton's nose to get a piece of gold. He screamed and sneezed the piranas out his eyeballs. Then I realized I was in one of my worst days ever. So then I kissed Perez Hilton!!!!!!!!!! He went crazy and slapped me! So I slapped my Uncle Bob! Uncle Bob yelled, "Why did you do that to the red fox?" "I did it. Punish me some, but I'm sorry!" So my mom became a fox and killed her brother Bob because she loved Perez!!!!!!!!!! Then I realized how insane I was becoming, so I packed up my virtual reality and headed north. The temperature got EXTREMELY Roasting hot! So I yelled "HELP! I'm being Killed by heat!" My hand was burning with fire. I jumped up and ran to my family's car to turn on the super duper Ice Cold Water.... so that my sweating hot skin
This morning when I opened the door to my chicken coop... and there he stood. The biggest, meanest, and nastiest red fox with my favorite big, puffy, bunny slippers in his mouth! I ran for my sling shot! And beaned him right in the kisser. He yelped and barked as I reloaded one more bean. Then he bolted between my legs, bunny slippers still held hostage. I had to get my cast iron pan then smaked his butt. He started to cry! Surprised, I knelt down by the fox and said, sarcastically, "Oh, did that really hurt?" "What do you want from me" I almost said, "you can live". The fox then got killed by a shot from my pocket pistol. Then, I looked over my shoulder, as I heard a strange noise like I've never heard before. I drew my handy dandy notebook, took brief descriptions, and copied the liscense-plate of the scooter. Then I noticed that I was in the middle of a strange black hole. I became frightened and yelled for help! Then weird chanting began that sounded like the cry from the fox that ate my most favorite kitten. "Dead foxes?," I dont think we imagine such otherworldly predators to bother us and our itty bitty fluffy bunny slippers! However, I was surrounded by millions of eerie glowing eyes coming from a dead fox army. They circled around the black hole and started chanting like Buddhist Monks. "Ommm my gosh, I took out the wrong policy and accidently killed rapper Fat Joe!" But that is not very cool. So I had to bury him. I buried him in my bedroom, where he immediately came back alive! I was so disgusted by his lack of hygeine. He was so smelly he actually made me puke. So I decided to eat him!! But I couldn't fit him in my little mouth!! So instead of eating him I threw him onto my dining table! Then I called weird Perez Hilton to come and take his ear and grab it for the foxes. The foxes were swirling around outside waiting for their chance to devour Fat Joe's ear. Suddenly from nowhere Perez Hilton went screaming out the back of my chimney!!!!! I was running around in carnival ride. It took him up and down into a pool of very confused piranas who swam up Perez Hilton's nose to get a piece of gold. He screamed and sneezed the piranas out his eyeballs. Then I realized I was in one of my worst days ever. So then I kissed Perez Hilton!!!!!!!!!! He went crazy and slapped me! So I slapped my Uncle Bob! Uncle Bob yelled, "Why did you do that to the red fox?" "I did it. Punish me some, but I'm sorry!" So my mom became a fox and killed her brother Bob because she loved Perez!!!!!!!!!! Then I realized how insane I was becoming, so I packed up my virtual reality and headed north. The temperature got EXTREMELY Roasting hot! So I yelled "HELP! I'm being Killed by heat!" My hand was burning with fire. I jumped up and ran to my family's car to turn on the super duper ice cold water so that my sweating hot skin would stop smoking.
This morning when I opened the door to my chicken coop... and there he stood. The biggest, meanest, and nastiest red fox with my favorite big, puffy, bunny slippers in his mouth! I ran for my sling shot! And beaned him right in the kisser. He yelped and barked as I reloaded one more bean. Then he bolted between my legs, bunny slippers still held hostage. I had to get my cast iron pan then smaked his butt. He started to cry! Surprised, I knelt down by the fox and said, sarcastically, "Oh, did that really hurt?" "What do you want from me" I almost said, "you can live". The fox then got killed by a shot from my pocket pistol. Then, I looked over my shoulder, as I heard a strange noise like I've never heard before. I drew my handy dandy notebook, took brief descriptions, and copied the liscense-plate of the scooter. Then I noticed that I was in the middle of a strange black hole. I became frightened and yelled for help! Then weird chanting began that sounded like the cry from the fox that ate my most favorite kitten. "Dead foxes?," I dont think we imagine such otherworldly predators to bother us and our itty bitty fluffy bunny slippers! However, I was surrounded by millions of eerie glowing eyes coming from a dead fox army. They circled around the black hole and started chanting like Buddhist Monks. "Ommm my gosh, I took out the wrong policy and accidently killed rapper Fat Joe!" But that is not very cool. So I had to bury him. I buried him in my bedroom, where he immediately came back alive! I was so disgusted by his lack of hygeine. He was so smelly he actually made me puke. So I decided to eat him!! But I couldn't fit him in my little mouth!! So instead of eating him I threw him onto my dining table! Then I called weird Perez Hilton to come and take his ear and grab it for the foxes. The foxes were swirling around outside waiting for their chance to devour Fat Joe's ear. Suddenly from nowhere Perez Hilton went screaming out the back of my chimney!!!!! I was running around in carnival ride. It took him up and down into a pool of very confused piranas who swam up Perez Hilton's nose to get a piece of gold. He screamed and sneezed the piranas out his eyeballs. Then I realized I was in one of my worst days ever. So then I kissed Perez Hilton!!!!!!!!!! He went crazy and slapped me! So I slapped my Uncle Bob! Uncle Bob yelled, "Why did you do that to the red fox?" "I did it. Punish me some, but I'm sorry!" So my mom became a fox and killed her brother Bob because she loved Perez!!!!!!!!!! Then I realized how insane I was becoming, so I packed up my virtual reality and headed north. The temperature got EXTREMELY Roasting hot! So I yelled "HELP! I'm being Killed by heat!" My hand was burning with fire. I jumped up and ran to my family's car to turn on the super duper ice cold water so that my sweating hot skin would stop smoking. Everything was melting.
This morning when I opened the door to my chicken coop... and there he stood. The biggest, meanest, and nastiest red fox with my favorite big, puffy, bunny slippers in his mouth! I ran for my sling shot! And beaned him right in the kisser. He yelped and barked as I reloaded one more bean. Then he bolted between my legs, bunny slippers still held hostage. I had to get my cast iron pan then smaked his butt. He started to cry! Surprised, I knelt down by the fox and said, sarcastically, "Oh, did that really hurt?" "What do you want from me" I almost said, "you can live". The fox then got killed by a shot from my pocket pistol. Then, I looked over my shoulder, as I heard a strange noise like I've never heard before. I drew my handy dandy notebook, took brief descriptions, and copied the liscense-plate of the scooter. Then I noticed that I was in the middle of a strange black hole. I became frightened and yelled for help! Then weird chanting began that sounded like the cry from the fox that ate my most favorite kitten. "Dead foxes?," I dont think we imagine such otherworldly predators to bother us and our itty bitty fluffy bunny slippers! However, I was surrounded by millions of eerie glowing eyes coming from a dead fox army. They circled around the black hole and started chanting like Buddhist Monks. "Ommm my gosh, I took out the wrong policy and accidently killed rapper Fat Joe!" But that is not very cool. So I had to bury him. I buried him in my bedroom, where he immediately came back alive! I was so disgusted by his lack of hygeine. He was so smelly he actually made me puke. So I decided to eat him!! But I couldn't fit him in my little mouth!! So instead of eating him I threw him onto my dining table! Then I called weird Perez Hilton to come and take his ear and grab it for the foxes. The foxes were swirling around outside waiting for their chance to devour Fat Joe's ear. Suddenly from nowhere Perez Hilton went screaming out the back of my chimney!!!!! I was running around in carnival ride. It took him up and down into a pool of very confused piranas who swam up Perez Hilton's nose to get a piece of gold. He screamed and sneezed the piranas out his eyeballs. Then I realized I was in one of my worst days ever. So then I kissed Perez Hilton!!!!!!!!!! He went crazy and slapped me! So I slapped my Uncle Bob! Uncle Bob yelled, "Why did you do that to the red fox?" "I did it. Punish me some, but I'm sorry!" So my mom became a fox and killed her brother Bob because she loved Perez!!!!!!!!!! Then I realized how insane I was becoming, so I packed up my virtual reality and headed north. The temperature got EXTREMELY Roasting hot! So I yelled "HELP! I'm being Killed by heat!" My hand was burning with fire. I jumped up and ran to my family's car to turn on the super duper ice cold water so that my sweating hot skin would stop smoking. Everything was melting. Then I died.
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This morning when I opened the door to my chicken coop... and there he stood. The biggest, meanest, and nastiest red fox with my favorite big, puffy, bunny slippers in his mouth! I ran for my sling shot! And beaned him right in the kisser. He yelped and barked as I reloaded one more bean. Then he bolted between my legs, bunny slippers still held hostage. I had to get my cast iron pan then smaked his butt. He started to cry! Surprised, I knelt down by the fox and said, sarcastically, "Oh, did that really hurt?" "What do you want from me" I almost said, "you can live". The fox then got killed by a shot from my pocket pistol. Then, I looked over my shoulder, as I heard a strange noise like I've never heard before. I drew my handy dandy notebook, took brief descriptions, and copied the liscense-plate of the scooter. Then I noticed that I was in the middle of a strange black hole. I became frightened and yelled for help! Then weird chanting began that sounded like the cry from the fox that ate my most favorite kitten. "Dead foxes?," I dont think we imagine such otherworldly predators to bother us and our itty bitty fluffy bunny slippers! However, I was surrounded by millions of eerie glowing eyes coming from a dead fox army. They circled around the black hole and started chanting like Buddhist Monks. "Ommm my gosh, I took out the wrong policy and accidently killed rapper Fat Joe!" But that is not very cool. So I had to bury him. I buried him in my bedroom, where he immediately came back alive! I was so disgusted by his lack of hygeine. He was so smelly he actually made me puke. So I decided to eat him!! But I couldn't fit him in my little mouth!! So instead of eating him I threw him onto my dining table! Then I called weird Perez Hilton to come and take his ear and grab it for the foxes. The foxes were swirling around outside waiting for their chance to devour Fat Joe's ear. Suddenly from nowhere Perez Hilton went screaming out the back of my chimney!!!!! I was running around in carnival ride. It took him up and down into a pool of very confused piranas who swam up Perez Hilton's nose to get a piece of gold. He screamed and sneezed the piranas out his eyeballs. Then I realized I was in one of my worst days ever. So then I kissed Perez Hilton!!!!!!!!!! He went crazy and slapped me! So I slapped my Uncle Bob! Uncle Bob yelled, "Why did you do that to the red fox?" "I did it. Punish me some, but I'm sorry!" So my mom became a fox and killed her brother Bob because she loved Perez!!!!!!!!!! Then I realized how insane I was becoming, so I packed up my virtual reality and headed north. The temperature got EXTREMELY Roasting hot! So I yelled "HELP! I'm being Killed by heat!" My hand was burning with fire. I jumped up and ran to my family's car to turn on the super duper ice cold water so that my sweating hot skin would stop smoking. Everything was melting. Then I died. That's the end.

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