3 year old hen has pale drooping comb and low energy


Jul 4, 2017
I have a 3 year old red comet hen. She has a good appetite and is drinking and walking around but... her comb is pale and she has very little energy. She lays down a lot. This just started and I'm worried. Two months ago her sister became ill and after two weeks of medicine and special diet she died. I don't know what was wrong with her but she had a greenish watery substance pour out when she passed. I don't know what it was or what this is that is starting but I don't want a repeat. Any suggestions what I can do to help her?
Is she breathing harder than usual? does she tend lean to the side while she lays? does she have bubbles in the corner or her eyes? any nasal discharge?

also, is she just laying down a lot or does it seem she walks a bit and right away sits down in odd places.
She doesn't seem to be breathing harder. I haven't noticed any leaning. I haven't seen any bubbles or discharge. No sneezing.She walks around looking for bugs and then lays down more than usual. I picked her up out of my flower bed yesterday evening and she was actually laying on a very small baby snake. It was a harmless snake and too small to bite but I thought it was odd. She doesn't seem to be too steady. If I pick her up and set her down she seems to be unsteady like she's having a balance issue. She tried to jump up on a step and had trouble doing so. I gave her an egg scrambled in olive oil to give her some protein which she thoroughly enjoyed and I also added a pack of electrolyte powder to her water. Any information you can give me is greatly appreciated. I love my chickens. They are my feathery children.
I have the same issue with a hen I have she dark comb but is hunting her comb seems to lighten up a bit when I give apple sauce and a little cabbage I also switch food to flock raiser after death of sister for she was egg bound
I'm sorry to hear about Petunia. Buy Safeguard liquid goat wormer and dose Sweet Pea orally using a syringe without needle, 0.23ml per pound, for 5 days straight. If she has worms, the safeguard liquid goat wormer will clear them out.

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