30% Protein for X-Rocks

Salt and Light

11 Years
May 20, 2008
Osteen, FL
Getting my second batch of X-rocks tomorrow. The feed store only had 18% starter and 30% game bird starter.

Is it OK to feed the x-rocks the 30%? Hope so, because I bought 50#. Maybe I should mix the 25# bag of 18% with the 50# bag of 30%?

It may be a good idea to either jsut feed them the 18% until you can find the 22 to 24 % due to the fact that you really don't need to be changing their food supply. You need to start with one and stick with it to the end. PM Greyfields and see what he says about it, he definately knows more than me.
30%? I would hate to see the price on that bag of feed.

Stick with the 18%. Your cornish x meat chickens will be gone 8 weeks. Save the good stuff for stock you plan to keep around for a few years.
18 and 30 is all the feed store had. I thought my chicks were coming today so I needed feed.

I gone ahead and mixed the 25# 18% w/ the 50# 30%. Don't know what percentage that makes, but it is what it is! <smile>
I can't give the best answer here. I just recall that the game birds can actually utilize the extra protein % in the game bird feed, so they will benefit from it... whereas it's being wasted on chickens since they weren't utilizing it completely. I think that's what I remember anyway.

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