30 TIMES IN A ROW!!!!!!!!!!!


11 Years
Feb 18, 2008
My silkie roo crowed 30 times in a row starting at 5am this morning. I don't mind his roo ways, he is sweet, and good to the girls but, COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 30 times in a row and those are ones I counted.

One day he's as quite as a mouse and the next ugh!

I don't like to complain about my animals I respect and enjoy having them. I feel blessed for the companionship and little lessons my kids have learned from having them, I just wished I could have had 1 more hour of sleep this am.

so unpredictable.................men:th
He really is a great little guy....very timid and nice, but OMG!!! some mornings he is out of control. I guess I just wish what it was that made him so inconsistent.

I actually had my broodie silkies hatch 7 silkie eggs and out of the seven that hatch he was my only roo, so I really cannot complain.
Maybe he is one of those males that ''comes alive'' in the morning ??


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