3am Chicken Mission Impossible.... The Rest of The Story

Ahhh...sweet relief! SOOOooooo glad you were able to tell us the ending and put us out of our misery!
It was like a song being played that suddenly ends before the last note. It drives you bonkers wanting to complete the song!

Thank you-what a blessing to know you love your Grammy so much!
thank you thank you thank you for that mission report it was really awesome! i'm glad to hear that it went well and darn complaining neighbours getting worked up over a rooster... they didn't end last a day and the called the cops :mad: shame on them!

it was a story worth waiting for!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH the relief!!! You know that we could all boil some eggs (since we all are in such short demand of them)
and then strategically place them in inconspicous places around his house so they can rot and stink to high heaven. Then if that "rotten neighbor" complains we can blame it on the "mysterious rooster" who has some "mysterious hens". Whaaaaat? See, now the local police wil know eggactly what they are looking for.
that is such a great idea for a present, such a great idea for a good hearted joke, and such a great story!
i love the part about your 4 year old sticking up for grammy. that must have been her favorite part of the present, among all the other good parts!
I've been following this thread, hoping for some big bang ending...

To note the grouchy neighbors - my grandma has this resin rooster that sits outside in her garden and it's like a motion detector thing - it crows whenever it detects movement. She also has about two hundred ceramic/resin frogs that do similar things. Maybe everyone on that block should get one of those crowing roosters and set a fire under those people's butts. The one alone isn't as loud as the real thing, but several hundred of them could be interesting... ~ Oaknim
Oaknim, you have a wonderful idea, ha ha Do you know where she got that resin motion detector rooster? I would love to have one!! Please email me if you know where I could get one?? thanks, Carrie
What a great story!!! I *LOVE* the fact that her neighbors helped her out and hid the rooster!


thanks for sharing this! The world can use more roosters! and more happy endings!



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