3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!! The silver chick it is!
My problem is, I had 16 hatch. 12 of mine and 4 of yours. I have a friend who is going to buy 12 of my chicks tomorrow and I don't want to accidently send them home with an easter egger. There is no wiggle room for second guessing! My oldest son about went into a coniption fit when he thought the chipmunk chick was going away, I relieved his fears.

I tried to find the link where we are suppose to enter how many of our chicks hatched, and can't find it. There are too many pages to go relook... can someone smart make it obvious please?
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!! The silver chick it is!
My problem is, I had 16 hatch. 12 of mine and 4 of yours. I have a friend who is going to buy 12 of my chicks tomorrow and I don't want to accidently send them home with an easter egger. There is no wiggle room for second guessing! My oldest son about went into a coniption fit when he thought the chipmunk chick was going away, I relieved his fears.

I tried to find the link where we are suppose to enter how many of our chicks hatched, and can't find it. There are too many pages to go relook... can someone smart make it obvious please?

I think this is it, from page 1

4. Guess the Total Number of Chicks Hatched:
For this contest, participants will be guessing the total number of chicks hatched from all the eggs set by the participants (according to the spreadsheet). Your guess must be in the spreadsheet by 12 December 2012. Total number of chicks hatched will be calculated by Laree on 7 January 2012. The person with the closest guess wins! Make sure to update the spreadsheet with your total number of chicks hatched for an accurate count!
Add your response here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/vie … E6MQ#gid=0
See results here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc … 3UVE#gid=0
Prize: 6 month GFM sponsored by BYC/Nifty!
Congrats, dadsdeercamp!!

I am still waiting, only 3 out so far, one might not make it, another pipped, that leaves 11 or 12 more, hard to count with the hatching debris in the way, lol. Guess it is a good thing I took a long nap today!
I think this is it, from page 1

4. Guess the Total Number of Chicks Hatched:
For this contest, participants will be guessing the total number of chicks hatched from all the eggs set by the participants (according to the spreadsheet). Your guess must be in the spreadsheet by 12 December 2012. Total number of chicks hatched will be calculated by Laree on 7 January 2012. The person with the closest guess wins! Make sure to update the spreadsheet with your total number of chicks hatched for an accurate count!
Add your response here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/vie … E6MQ#gid=0
See results here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc … 3UVE#gid=0
Prize: 6 month GFM sponsored by BYC/Nifty!

Thank You!! You are very smart!

btw, I had to go to the original post, cuz the above links didn't work for me.
Hm, 13-$17 huh? That's not bad. Maybe I should just buy eggs instead of hatchery chicks. I've recently noticedthat hatchery chicksarent as healthy... and that my very first group ofchickens was the bst I've ever had. But I'm getting better, practice makes perfect and y' can never learn too much.

Why aren hatchery chickens as healthy as chickens 'the people' hatch? Is it food? Nutrition? Chemicals? Tis is quite interesting, now that I think about it...

Would anyone be interested in trading eggs with me? In two weeks my chickens should be happy with their 'partners' so I can collect purebred eggs. I'll have americauna and. RIR and RIxBrdRocks. Sex link chickens. 'Course woth the rhodies, I hve other classified gold chickens...

I wnder y I een bother posting this.. no one would be interested in the common breeds. Not with all of y'alls fancy cluckers! XD

Has anyone heard of Dekalb Amberlinks?
There are plenty of people and there are even threads on the site where a lot of us trade eggs. I found an egg today, but not even sure why. LOL Anyway I have basically nothing laying right now. I have true Ameraucanas, Black Copper Marans, Welsummers, Games, Sumatras, Cubalayas, and bantam breeds in Japs, Faverolles, Welsummers, and also Silkies. I have Coturnix quail also. Maybe we can get you some nice birds this year. If you want something mixed I have EEs and Olive Eggers too. I'm also going to use my silkie roo for a mix, but not sure what yet. I have a Game project also that I'm working on, but those will probably be a while till I get them the way I want. I've also crossed them with Marans.
Cielo, my first chick this time around hatched a full day before any of the others. It's hard to be patient with so many over achievers out there but just hang in there. I also didn't get my brooder set up and warmed until I had 4 chicks hatch. They are in a brand new over sized clear plastic tub.

Good luck on the rest of your hatch.

Thank you! I ended up losing the pipped chick. It was HUGE and I think it smoothered when the other chick bumped into it and rolled it over. It's too bad. I feel sad losing chicks. I looked at it and it seemed fine one minute, making progress and thenjust a couple hours later... rolled over and not moving or peeoping so I helped it out of the egg but it was too late.

This is my lowes hatch rate ever. 1 chick out of 12. I named her Lucky. We've been snuggling a lot.

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