3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Haha! So cute! I have the opposite color scheme...
Tried to film the nipple stampede today but a) SD card getting errors (grr) and b) the video I got was too dark. bah!

My special needs chicks are both doing great. 'blinky', my one eyed misshapen little guy, is fighting his way to the water nipples like the rest and he's now hitting the mark. He was having problems at first, but he's eventually been able to compensate and is able to get water like a normal chick. He's still runty, tho. Also have a runty little RIR, but s/he is doing great as well. They made it past the three day 'yolk' period so I am hopeful.

Hugs to those losing little babies.
I never fail to learn something here on BYC....Thanks for sharing.....LOL, now hubby will be asked for chunks of the garden.....HA! I still wish I had more broo:}}dy moms....Mine go broody but we usually finish brooding them inside. I need to just tough it up and try to identify the good moms.... likely this will be the little silkies as they love to sit on eggs or pecans or nothing at all.....even the roos do this......when the broodies get up and about... Okay LOL, I'll let a silkie roo be a full mom.....Stay tuned....smile. Now hubby has to build a broody pen for father silkies... He's going to bring me for a mental evaluation....Love and hugs ChooksChick!
Thanks for all the sweet words, they really help -my friends all think I'm crazy, don't even want to hear the word chicken. Nice to have somewhere to go where they 'speak chicken'.

Featherz: your chick set up is amazing, I was wondering if the brinsea put off light or not, I have been considering how a broody would have them in total darkness -thanks for clarifying. I'm not ready to make the leap, I've promised myself to lay off hatching until I get building some coops and brooders... I hope that happens before the Northeastern Poultry Congress where I hope to get eggs. (it's in nine days!). A bit too early to hatch for Jim's Valentine's Day Hatch, I believe.

Is anyone else going to this Poultry Congress in Massachusetts?
So...I THOUGHT I had 11 chicks, but now there are only 10? They chicks are still in the box in the office, which is closed up from kid and dog traffic. I dug through the pine shavings, but didn't find any flatchicks...

Am I going crazy? Did I count wrong the first time?

I know it is awful to say, bu if a chick did pop out of the box, I hope a dog ate it. I don't want to be finding mummified chicks under the couch two months from now.
lol If you are awful for that thought, so am I. My dogs are good with chickens that are walking or running, but let the wings start flapping and OMG watch out chickies! Do you have a photo to look at and recount?
My chicks came from my Golden Laced Cochin Bantams but it is possible that the dad was an OE Wheaton Bantam. They were away from him for 2 wks but I once read that they can stay fertile for 3weeks. Does anyone have any thoughts? I had 2 GLCB roosters in with them. I hope they are all GLCB's but I don't know how long it will take to tell? Did I confuse anyone yet, b/c I am. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Nope, no light from the brinsea other than a little 'on' light. I remember when I finally put my first chicks out into their coop after being under a big red light for 8 weeks how much OH NO noise they made.. Now I get them used to dark early on. They sleep all night just like if they were under mama.. but whoo boy are they hungry in the morning!

The massachusetts thing is a bit far for me.. about two hours away. I'd probably go if my husband were into it, but I've dragged him to enough chicken stuff recently I think.
Plus the inlaws live in massachusetts so I'd probably end up getting dragged over there too.. hee hee.
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