3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Maybe...I don't know if I have a picture that shows them all. I'llhave to look.
Since my broody mama told her chicks they were on their own, Tyson (my dog) has taken over with them.....




Such a sad thing to have to do.

yeah it is.. but with quail chicks it's usually better to cull the weaker ones since most of the things you can do for a chicken or duck won't work with quail.. their metabolism is so much higher and they can not handle so many of the microbes and things that the others can it's just better (in my opinion) to cull them quickly instead of prolonging things
The guy that does my butchering for me says you can only get an accurate count on chickens when they are in the shell or in freezer
Since I ALWAYS miscount when I bring them to him, I'd have to agree
Please send Tyson over here to Oregon for a nice long vacation!!!! I'd love a dog like that. Two of mine might have been OK w/ chickens had not my other really bad 2 gotten them interested. Tyson also is a really pretty guy...what is he? Anyway, I am going to have to do a LOT of fencing here in the next 2 months so my new chicks can get out and about. I want them ranging and eating bugs and grass and weeds. They will still be at risk if they fly out of their areas and into dogdom, but at least they'll be safe from the dogs till they fly out. If they're really good fliers and smart too, escapees will be able to fly away from a chasing dog. I've heard the electric fencing from Premier1 is highly recommended. Maybe I'll try that. It would also be easily movable, so I could shift the chicken pasture around some to keep it fresh. Anyone use electric netting/fencing and have recommendations or bad experiences with it?
SuperRX!!! Thank you SO much for the blueberries! I had completely forgotten about them!!
You rock!
(for a second I was wondering why someone from Maine was sending me a kindle fire LOL)..

It's Xmas all over again!

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