4 1/2 month old Rooster thats trying to be a daddy!


In the Brooder
Aug 15, 2015
Is it unusual for a 4 1/2 month old rooster to be trying to breed all the hens? He started trying to breed his "sister" (Not related but hatched on the same day and raised together by my broody hen.) He tried to jump on the 2 oldest hens, but they let him have it! He still tries to sneak up on them, but they just give him a look and he walks away. But the other hen will let him mount her once in a while, then when he jumps off, she chases him across the yard! (I've now nick named her Black Widow! LOL!) But he really bugs his poor little sister! She wants to hang out with him, but when she sees that look in his eye she runs under a bush. When he does jump on her, he's so big he flattens her out and she squawks and tries to run.
Anyhow, will this "breeding" behavior calm down as he gets older or will he get worse? His constant chasing her down and trying to breed her has really made her jumpy and stressed. I'm even thinking of getting rid of him as he keeps stressing the hens with his breeding behavior. He has started crowing. But still has been really good around my mother and I. He eats out of our hands. And will hang out with us when we are in the yard. I've noticed too, that he seems to be herding the hens.

It's actually pretty normal cockerel behavior at that age. Males mature a lot earlier than the females. If you don't have an adult rooster to keep this guy in his place, he will try to breed anything with feathers. It doesn't matter at all if they are mature enough or not. Eventually he will settle down, but it won't be for a few more months, at least. If he's stressing the girls out too much, you may want to rehome him.
He's a big boy! But thought at 4 1/2 months old, it was to soon for him to try to breed the girls. I hope he will calm down some. Here he is next to his sister. Sorry the picture quality isn't very good. Hard to get them on the move. :)

He is twice her size! She's pretty close in size to the other hens. I'll see if I can take their picture with them together tomorrow.
Perfectly normal, as June pointed out.

If you want to keep him, I'd maybe segregate him for a month or so to give the pullet(s) a break.
Once the pullets(s) are of laying age they will accept being mated and he will be a bit older and hopefully have calmed down a bit.

How many birds, and what ages are they, do you have in total?
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I only have 4 hens. 2 of the hens are a little over 2 years old. The 3rd hen is almost 2 years old. The 2 oldest ones are Wyandottes and the almost 2 year old is a Orpington. The pullet and Rooster are both going to be 5 months old on the 3rd of Dec. and they are both barnyard mixes. I think the pullet is a speckled Sussex and Americana mix and the rooster is definitely Brahma and Orpington with something else thrown in, but don't know what. The Wyandottes don't let him get that close to him, if he looks at them funny they give him the look or chase him! LOL! If the Orpington sees him trying to breed the pullet, she will peck him and run him off! But its funny, cuz she will let him try to breed her, then when he jumps off her, she chases him all over the yard! LOL! I'm hoping that they are teaching him some manners!
I only have 4 hens. 2 of the hens are a little over 2 years old. The 3rd hen is almost 2 years old. The 2 oldest ones are Wyandottes and the almost 2 year old is a Orpington. The pullet and Rooster are both going to be 5 months old on the 3rd of Dec. and they are both barnyard mixes. I think the pullet is a speckled Sussex and Americana mix and the rooster is definitely Brahma and Orpington with something else thrown in, but don't know what. The Wyandottes don't let him get that close to him, if he looks at them funny they give him the look or chase him! LOL! If the Orpington sees him trying to breed the pullet, she will peck him and run him off! But its funny, cuz she will let him try to breed her, then when he jumps off her, she chases him all over the yard! LOL! I'm hoping that they are teaching him some manners!
It's good the hens are chasing him off the pullet, they will teach him some manners but watch to make sure he doesn't harass the pullet too much...
.....or at least she can get away from him, if he does he can spend most the day crated or penned up.
I would hate to have to separate him. I figure, if I did that, then he won't learn any manners from the older girls. I let them free range in our yard and there are lots of bushes and trees. When he's being really obnoxious to the pullet, she will run into the bushes where he cant try to breed her. Funny though, she wants to hang out with him, but when he's being obnoxious she will run under the bushes or if we are outside, she runs up to us. I'm considering finding him a new home. But will let this play out for awhile and see if he calms down.
Are you sure about them being 4 1/2 months old? In the picture Sister's comb looks very red as though she is getting ready to lay eggs. I'll be quite interested in seeing another picture of Sister's head; a close-up if you can. Again, some breeds/birds mature faster.

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