4-5 day old New Barred Rock Peep not walking very well.


10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
I have one barred rock peep that is not walking very well. She is probably 4-5 days old and seems to waddle quite a bit and isn't as qiuck and agile as the others. There doesnt seem to be any obvious external problem. She seems to just sit back on her leg joints allot and waddles slowly from side to side as if shes had too much to drink. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Did you just get them?

The one in question, wasn't like that...right?

Is their a chance that it could have been dropped?

Eating and drinking normally...right?

Lets see sitting back on hocks....do you think its trying to walk on them?

Are the toes curled inward?

Does the upper half of the beak feel soft, or do the claws?
No I dont know if he was walking properly from the onset, we had allot of new chicks come at the same time.
Her toes are straight, and she just waddles as if she were an old fat laying hen with a gait from side to side.
Definitely eating and drinking normally.
She wasnt dropped, here at least. maybe smothered by the others in transit.
I guess Im going to just have to keep my eye on her.

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