4/5 turkeys died spontaneously, butts "exploded"


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 28, 2014
Stagecoach, NV
This question/description may be a bit vague, but I just want an idea of what's going on...

My husband and I own a feed store, so we get a lot of people asking us a lot of questions... I had a gal come in this morning saying her friend had 5 turkeys, all right around 3 months old. She said within 3 days, 4 of them had died, and all of their butts had exploded, like guts out and everything. No sign of struggle, no sign of predators.

Could constipation cause that? I suggested they were egg-bound, but that's when she told me they were still young... I've never heard of anything like that, so I was hoping maybe someone on here knew something about it! I'd like to be of some help to the gal, it sucks losing birds and not knowing why
They wouldn't even be laying at 3 months old and pasty butt should no longer be a problem at that age.
I think its highly likely that a predator got them. Or, maybe she didn't have adequate space or feed and they attempted to eat each other? Whatever happened, it sounds pretty horrible :(
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