4 Barred Rocks - Lads or Lassies?? 9 weeks old - PICS

Am I a Pullet?

  • Blue

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • Green

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • Pink

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • Gold

    Votes: 5 100.0%

  • Total voters


In the Brooder
7 Years
New chicken Momma here...I had to choose four pullets from a flock of six week olds based on advice given on many BYC forums. Went with more black than white, black wash down the front of the legs and no comb growth at that point. They are NINE WEEKS old as shown here today. How did I do? Leg band colors blue, gold, green, pink. Blue is biggest and bossiest, gold is smallest and darkest with an odd tail shape unlike the other three, pink and green are shy middle children. Two photos of each color, two group shots. (They do have "real names" but i'm using colors here for the sake of simplicity.
Thanks for your time and input!

They are growing quickly and seem very happy!

They all look like hens to me. My first hen was a barred plymoth rock, they are ery sweet, and loving chickens (and they are good layers). The best of luck to you!

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