4 chicks, 4 and 5 weeks old. 1 is behaving oddly


In the Brooder
Jul 22, 2020
I have 4 chicks, 2 and 2 one week apart. One of my older girls is stumbling and seems to have weak legs. I only noticed this today when I moved them all to an outside shed and prior to this they had lived in a room of the house with no other observations of weakness. None of the others are acting irregularly.. I've added vitamins to the feed but I would like to know if there are any other steps I should take? Or would it be best to take her to the vet?
What is your location in the world?

Has insecticide been used anywhere in the shed?

Rodent poison?

Are the chicks on the floor or soil?

What is your water source? Well water? Untreated?

Could your feed be moldy? Does it have a bad odor?
I am located in Colorado, we don't use insecticides or poison because we have animals. The chicks are on an old rug because I didn't want them directly on concrete. The water is house water, we're not on a well and the food is not moldy
Thanks. It helps to rule these things out.

Since the chicks are too young to be showing symptoms of an avian virus, the other possibility is vitamin deficiency or injury. Have you examined the legs for swelling? Look at the feet for any injury, even a broken toenail can cause lameness.
Thanks. It helps to rule these things out.

Since the chicks are too young to be showing symptoms of an avian virus, the other possibility is vitamin deficiency or injury. Have you examined the legs for swelling? Look at the feet for any injury, even a broken toenail can cause lameness.
I looked her over once but it wont hurt to do it again! Thank you :)

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