4 chicks have died for no apparent reason


In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2019
So last night I came out and checked my chicks , all were running around like ninjas with none of them looking I'll. This morning I came out to find 3 were dead and 2 were drunk looking. An hour later 1 of the 2 died and the other one is looking worse. Any ideas on what could be happening. New brooder nothing in it before, plenty of water and food. I was expecting to loose some , just not in big bunches like this. Thanks
Sorry to hear of the losses. :hugs
How old are the chicks? What is the temp in the brooder? Where they hatched by you or purchased?
You said you came out to check on them, where are you housing them? Are they having seizures?
Can you post pics? It would help in assessing the problem.
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Very sorry for you losses.:hugs can you tell us more about them?

How old?
What type of feed?
When did you get them?
What type of bedding?
What heat source (lamp or plate)?
Brooder temp?
I recieved 30 from Myer Hatchery in Ohio. They are 6 days old, I have them in a 6' x 4' brooder with two red 250 watt heat lamps approximately 90 +- 2 degrees. I am feeding 28 percent game bird starter . Two waters with electolyelec and probiotics. Bedding is chopped straw
I'm thinking Aspergillosis, especially after you mentioning the bedding your using.
The straw can have fungal spores all throughout it. Depending on when and where the straw was harvested/baled, if it was in a wet area or conditions, could be moldy, and have fungal spores adhering to it and now that it has dried out, has become 'frieable' and easily released in the dust.
I would replace the straw with hardwood or pine chips, immediately. There is no treatment only sanitation procedures to eliminated the fungus.
You mentioned them eating and drinking normally, you didn't mention anything about their feces but if it was Coccidiosis, I'm sure you would have noticed their droppings and stated the condition of them....if it were cocci, you would notice yellow runny poop and in advanced stages bloody poop, at 1 week old I doubt seriously it is Coccidiosis....can you perform a necropsy on the dead ones? or have you already disposed of them?
Their kinda small but you might be able to determine the cause of death.

ETA- for auto correct
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Hey there! Sorry for the loss of the littles. I am wondering why you are feeding them game bird starter and not feed meant for chicks? Are they chicken chicks or another type of bird? Not sure if it would have anything to do with the chicks that passed away, but am curious.
Will I just be examining what's in their stomach? And feces is normal.
Their intestines and I'd open their trachea...to see if the fungus was in the respiratory system.
  • Yellow to grey nodules or plaques in lungs, air sacs, trachea, plaques in peritoneal cavity, may have greenish surface.
  • Conjunctivitis/keratitis.
  • Brain lesions may be seen in some birds with nervous signs.
They maybe too small to see without a dissecting microscope, :confused:

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