4 day old chicks= 1 nervous 1st time mom (update! ) ;)

I had this happen to one of my 30 chicks that arrived on April 14. I was advised to try to feed it a bit of sugar-water paste or sugar and honey to perk it up and get it eating and drinking,

Unfortunately, I didn't get the advice until it was too late and lost the chick the next morning.

Good luck!
Thank you for your suggestions Slike. I don't know if you noticed my earlier post on the emergency board but I came home from town today to find my lathargic chick with a bloody toe. I'm not sure what happend but I have noticed the other chicks are very curious of her and them are always pecking at her...mostly gently...I'm thinking they are checking to see if she is still alive
I bandaged her toe and was able to get her drink and eat a little. She is still very sleepy...
Well...if she doesn't make it just remember that she is obviously not as strong as the others and there is nothing you can do about it. If she had a bloody toe, she was probably pecked at by the others.

Try putting a little sugar in the water for her and keep an eye on her.

If you think the toilet lid scared them...WAIT till they hear a vacuum cleaner for the first time. OMG
they would not come near me the rest of the day. hahahaha They got over it and at 7 weeks they just go quietly to the other side of the brooder until the loud sucking machine goes away...no biggie. They love me again
Hi Cetawin
My little girl is still holding on...she certainly has the will to live.
I had to rebandage her toe today but she seems much more active. Oh dear...I had not even thought about the vaccum! I better get a good cover on their brooder before I use one

I did try the sugar water...maybe that is why she is feeling better.

thanks so much for all of your help
I got the majority of mine at 1 week and for the first few days they all had diarrhea and a couple slept A LOT. They all survived, thrived and are doing great at almost 3 mos. I was pretty dang nervous though!

A friend of mine got 3 Buff Orp chicks at the feed store that she was going to keep for a few days and then give me to raise and. Weeeeell, she didn't provide a lightbulb over them as I instructed and even kept them in the coldest room in her house, and you guessed it, first one died then another. So she brought the survivor over, and I gave it sugar water from a medicine dropper every 30 minutes and carried it around all afternoon in my pocket. That night I got two similarly aged Rhode Island friends to brood with it and they did great together. It is a fine healthy pullet now. So, not that you want to have a pocket pet, but it could be worth a try if it is getting picked on and having a hard time pulling through. Good luck!

I love that shiny marble in the feed suggestion, I'll have to remember that one!
I had to pull her from the flock tonight. They won't leave the bandage on and as soon as they see her toe they start picking at it. even she has been pecking her own injured toe. Now that she is feeling better she won't hold still and let me put a bandage on it. I used Stop Bleed (the powder for dog toenails) and that seemed to work to stop up the bleeding. She is sleeping now...I just hope she wont peck at it any more.
If they're really new chicks, you might try putting some newspaper down on top of the shavings first, and sprinkling some food around the feeder in the middle of it. They'll figure it out really quick.
I hope your little one heals quickly!
I'm happy to report that all 27 of my girls have survived and they are 19 days old today! (even the one with the bad toe is doing great!)

They have been spending most of the time outside in their chick wagon and loving it. They are close to outgrowing it so I am working on the run...then need more room

I'm amazed at how fast they grow!
Glad to hear everyone is doing great!

I understand about how fast they get big. Mine need new quarters soon!

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