4 down..how many more?


6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Western Ohio
Last week, my neighbor told me that any melon rinds put into his burn pile would be removed in the morning to the edge of the cornfield behind our properties. So, likely raccoons. So, we’ve been looking for any signs of them on our property.

We have a 100% predator proof (as long as the human door is closed) stand alone shed/coop/run, and we’ve seen some digging at spots around the perimeter. We also have a non-predator proof run with a decently safe elevated coop within this run. No digging around this one. We have also found some eaten vegetables/fruit in our garden-mostly tomatoes and strawberries.

Given this is the season of training up the young to eat and hunt, we decided it was time to catch what was coming around. Using a Z-trap and mini marshmallows, we have caught one coon a day for the last 4 days. One mom, and what appears to be three younger coons. We will keep trapping until we don’t get any more. We have the trap set up close to the eaten fruit/veg, at the edge of our property. We have a second one setup close to the neighbors burn pile, at the edge of our property and the neighbor’s. I wonder how many we will catch?

Two years ago, neighbors chickens were massacred by coons over two nights. Between that neighbor and the neighbors on either side (including us), we caught 11 coons among the three properties. But, that was a year the everyone was having coon problems, so the population was particularly high.

Anyone seeing an uptick in coon presence?
In my area of MA (just outside Boston), we had the occasional coon in our garbage pail or crossing the street over the last few years. But his year, just a few weeks ago, I had 4 around my garden and one on top of the wire cloth I put up to protect my veggies. I've never seen this many at one time or of this size. I was immediately concerned for the coop, but (THANK GOD) there doesn't appear to be any "testing" of the skirt around the run. I absolutely launched a huge rock at the coons as they huddled back by my pool. Not sure I hit one, but it startled them and they haven't been back.

I turned into crazy chicky dad as soon as I saw this crew in my yard.
We have definitely seen more raccoon activity this year than in previous years. They are also MUCH more bold than usual- I have seen a mom and her six kits, as well as two loner adults out in broad daylight several times now.

Here in my area of NY we are in a fairly severe drought - I think that has affected their natural food sources. If I don't see them during the day, I can count on them coming around at dusk and eating any leftover chicken food. They haven't been an issue with our coop yet... if they do try and dig in I will have to trap them.
They are relentless little buggers to be sure! Hopefully you can clear them all out.


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YES! A couple weeks ago I came home from work later than usual and the walk-in garage door was still open (someone other than me forgot.) I had my rooster in there and a few growing chicks in a brooder, also. I rolled up to the door and a big coon darted out! I ran in there ready to fight but it was the only one. It must've just gone in there bc it didn't bother the chickens at all.

So I sat out in my truck where I could check the coop with the headlights and see the garage too. After about 2 hours I saw a couple adults and about 7 babies trying to get in the garage door that was open earlier. It was a scout and they'd come back for more! I've had to pick them off one by one ever since. The last (young) one I got was a solid 15 or 20 pounds already!

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