4 of 6 day olds dead after 2 days

I've had a very similar experience. I ordered 7 chicks, they sent 8, although the extra was DOA. They shipped on Tuesday, but I didn't get them till Thursday morning. Lost 2 the first day, tried the sugar-water trick, but 2 more the second day. We are down to 3. Very sad.
For work, we ordered 100 chicks, they sent 103. All arrived happy and healthy. But I think that this time of year, small orders (under 50 birds) are really taking a chance on getting chilled. I have ordered a batch of 35 assorted birds (chicks, ducks, turkeys) but told them not to ship before the first week of March when the temps will at least be consistant, no cold snaps predicted (hah! weather people) I am keeping fingers crossed that that will hold true.
Our post office staff also believes in calling ASAP for live animals. Although the PO doesn't officially open till 8am, they called at 6am. The trucks had come in at 5:30. The time the animals sit around varies greatly. Live animals are shipped by air in pressurized, climate controlled areas, but once they get on the ground, most delivery trucks are not. Then there is the time they spend sitting outside on a loading dock to be put in the truck(s) and again waiting to be unloaded. If it's a full truck and they happen to be at the back, it could be a while. Most people will handle live animals with care not to jostle them more than necessary, but some people just don't care and will toss a box of live chicks, the same as a box of paer towels, or books. Sad, but true.
The hatcheries and dealers try to package them as best they can and then a lot of it is luck!
Most have a 95-98% success rate. It just really sucks if YOU happen to be the OTHER 2-5%!

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