4 week old chicks -- any roo signs???


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 17, 2010
Ann Arbor, MI
This is Joyful, a black australorp:


This is Sarah, buff orp:



This is Flutter, EE:



This is Jump, barred Rock:




And this is Cassie, EE:



We got 5 chicks but can only keep three (got more in case of roos) -- small urban setting and small tractor.
So, what do ya'll think??? I know it's early yet.... but some of you are quite good at this
Cassie kindo has a funny comb for an EE. Could she be a mix with a straight-combed bird?

Flutter could be a roo. How many rows does that pea comb have?
Interesting! What kind of comb should an EE have? I suppose she could be mixed with something. I got them from a local farm / small scale breeder.
Also, so interesting that you pegged Flutter as a possible roo -- s/he's definately the most roo-like in behavior! Always the first to investigate something new, neck up and loud chirps when upset, does NOT like to be held - chirps like crazy. HATES to be away from the rest of the birds. But what do I know -- I'm totally new at this

Anyway, from what I can see, Flutter just has one row on his/her comb, but it's not as long and pronounced as Cassie's. Does that mean it's a pea comb?
I think Jump, your Barred Rock might possibly be a roo. That comb does show somw reddish pink, gives me the idea you'll be hearing "er - uh....-er..a.. .oooo" one day, not too far off (When Jump is close to 3 months old.) Be patient, they know who & what they are, we just enjoy , love & learn from them. :frowLOL!
Thanks folks! This is so fun, I love their funny personalities. I had them out in their run today for an hour or so, and when I went to bring them back in, Flutter ran away! We had to play catch the chick and my 7 year old had to climb the neighbors' fence to shoo him back into our yard! Ha. Anyway, I am kind of hoping that Cassie, Joyful and Sarah are girls cuz they are the most affectionate and most easily handled.

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