4 weeks later and....


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
my luck is not so good. 4 weeks ago I got 4 BR pullets from the feed store with my son. Now that the birds are 4 weeks old, it's obvious that only 1 was a BR pullet. I've got 2 roos (1 BR and 1 Australorp) and 1 australorp pullet.

Hmm...I understand sexing at the hatchery might have been off, but I'm surprised that they mixed the BRs with the Australorps.
We had almost the same thing happen - 3 Barred Rocks and at almost 5 weeks old it's obvious that they're NOT. Two look to be Black Rocks, one looks like an EE and I'm pretty sure that one of the Black Rocks is a roo.

I'm sort of disappointed because I really wanted Barred Rocks but my Cuckoo Marans might satisfy that craving. Oh well!

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