4 yo Bantam Cochin With a Firm, Swollen Belly


8 Years
Apr 2, 2011
Ballston Spa
So- I got home from a week long vacation late last night. When I went out to check on the chickens this morning, my 4yo bantam hen, Olga, was standing by herself in the run and quite puffed up. When I picked her up to bring her in the house, I noticed that her belly is hard (it feels like a football) and very swollen, but her breastbone is quite prominent.

I don't know how long she has been this way (she was fine when I left), but my husband- who was taking care of the chickens until he joined me on Friday and got home before me yesterday, didn't mention anything. A neighbor was taking care of them while hubby was gone- I'll be checking with her, but she never mentioned anything strange either.

I put her in a warm bath with epsom salt, lubed up my finger and felt around for an egg but don't feel anything (up to my middle knuckle, that is- I was afraid to go any further). The poo under her normal roosting spot (and that was pasted to her backside) looks like it has been runny, but I don't see any worms in it.

As soon as I'm done thi this post, I'll take her out of the sink, dry her off, lube up her vent (JIC) and put her in a warm, dark place with some probiotic laced food (I'm out of yogurt- it'll likely be rice) and water.

I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions? Thoughts? Ideas about what could be wrong beyond egg bound?

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