
The ones sold thru the food co-ops here are usually $3-$3.50 a dozen for large or jumbo eggs. Medium is sometimes less. A family comes by my husband's office about every 2 weeks selling their eggs for $1 a dozen. Theirs though is a mix of sizes from very small banty to sometimes a large or 2. I think it is the odd assortment left from selling the better eggs somewhere else. They are always fresh and good though.

I have a friend selling hers for $3.00 a dozen but she will give $1 off per dozen if customers will bring their old egg cartons back for her to use.
Thanks for all the advice! After doing some research I will be charging $3 a dozen. The eggs we have been getting are all large to extra lg. The hens are 2yrs old. Have to wait till the end of Aug begining of Sept. for the other 25 to start laying:D
Wow, we really don't know what we are doing. When it comes to egg selling.
We have been charging a dollar per dozen. We have large eggs too. It's difficult to sometimes close the lid to an extra large carton. Think we may have to up our price....
You also need to consider what it's costing you to raise them! If I were to charge a dollar a dozen I'd be losing quite a bit just in feed costs. Mine free range, but still eat a lot of pellets. I'm not selling yet, but the math tells me 2 a dozen is just over break even.

Just another perspective. Sometimes "market rate" doesn't make sense at a given scale or business practice.
I was just in Wild By Nature and they were selling 6 for $4.19. It definitely depends on your location and if there are a lot of other people selling fresh organic eggs.

By the way...the people in front of me on line that were buying these eggs spent over $425.00 on a half of a small shopping cart full. Seriously, it's expensive here, but that was ridiculous. I really really wanted to know what was in the 4 bags in that shopping cart. I wish I had paid attention to what they were ringing up...just curious.
We sell as they're available to people who appreciate organic, true free range eggs and are getting $5/dozen and $7 per 18 pack. I like to put a feather in with each batch.

I was charging $3 a dozen but decided to just charge $2. I've got 7 hens and a rooster who doesn't seem to be much of a chowhound. Cartons cost me 30c, I get more than a month now out of a bag of feed that's $14.

Hmmm half-doz. a day = 15 doz. a month. = $30 a month, less $4.50 for cartons, so $25.50 a month. But I eat some eggs, myself, so I might be clearing $15 a month which is all I need. I'm not trying to make money on this, just break even and have eggs for myself.

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