5 day old Coturnix no feathers


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2015
BC, Canada
I have 9 baby quail 5/6 days old. Everyone is doubled in size & already have their wing feathers mostly in (still covered in shafts) except 1 bird. I believe he was one of the last to hatch from a very small egg & the only egg in his row (closest to the heat source) to hatch. Basically the only change in him is he grew legs/feet like everyone else but his body size/wings are the same size as when he came out, he had pasty butt yesterday, & there is absolutely no sign of feathers or future feathers. Everyone else is lying around & he is on his tippy toes stretching up to the light bulb in the brooder (when he isn't running around or eating/drinking). I see some of the others picking on him too. What is the prognosis for this little guy? Will he always be an indoor heat lamp bird with no feathers or is he likely not to make it? Anything I can do to promote his growth/development? I have them all on a 25% turkey crumble. Thanks in advance.
Sounds like the runt, but I had a 'last to hatch' who was smaller and has stumpy legs, and his feathers were slower to come through but they are coming now, slowly but surely! He needed that extra bit of help in the first few days to get going, but if you keep a warm area for him and make sure the others leave him alone (try keeping the light levels low) he might pull through. There are lots of posts on here about the ones that stay smaller longer, but with the right extra attention they can grow to be normal adults. I would keep an extra close eye over the next week and in a week's time you should see progress. My little guy is also about 12 hrs behind the second last to hatch which, when they are only a few days old, can also make a big difference.
I cull these runts. If they fail to thrive I don't want to waste time and feed on them, but they make great dog and snake food.
how are they doing now at nearly 10 days old? even if they stay a bit needy, i'd just give extra special care to them =) Mine are pets and for eggs, so I want even the weaker ones to be fed, warm and happy.
they are all doing great except Legs who is still pretty close to birth size except his legs & feet but he is at least starting to get a few tiny scraggly wing feathers in. Ours are pets too. If Legs survives I hope its actually a girl so no chance of passing on bad genes. I assume if it is a she & she lays any eggs they should still be fine to eat.
So can Legs walk OK then? My runt's body is growing (albeit a bit less than the others) but his legs seem to work less. well, by that i mean he isnt very coordinated with walking and cant hold his weight up. feathers are coming through but again, not as well placed as the others. I'm starting to feel like he may be suffering. I know they dont feel sad, but surely if he can't do all the quaily things the others can, it's not great is it...
I would separate your runt out and keep him under a 95 degree heat lamp for a few weeks. Add some poultry supplements to his water, maybe even some probiotics. Don't lower the temp like you are with the others and allow this one to soak in this heat for a couple of weeks. Runts need more heat for longer periods to survive.

Good luck with your little one and I hope she makes it!
Legs runs/jumps fine, is even more energetic than some of the others. Everyone else it twice as big but at least Legs' feathers are coming in now, just seems like s/he has no tail, rather funny looking but seams to be doing well & is happy as a bird can be.
P.S. I have them on organic feed so don't really want to add supplements/additives, but as I mentioned Legs is doing well & I haven't actually lowered the heat at all as I broke my lower watt bulb & no one is trying to get away from too much heat

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