5 day old Duckling Has Splay Leg. Can it be treated when he is bigger?

I wonder how it would work to wrap the leg in question with some vet wrap to act as a little cast before using the wrap to make a hobble? Just in case.... I have no expertise in this department.
I will have to play it be ear and see what I think is best. Thanks for the response!
I want to thank everyone for their input and give a little update.
I decided to separate Little Two with 2 of the other ducklings. I brought them into the house and kept them in a kiddie pool. Little Two I have kept hobbled.

I have brought them all out to the run 3 times a day for part of an hour to be with mom and the rest of the flock and have let them be with mom overnight.
Just now they are all out in the run together and since Little Two's hobble was falling off I decided to take it off and see how he was doing.
I am amazed at the progress! He's running around the run, both feet are staying together instead of one splaying out to the side. He still has just a bit of a limp, but overall I'm seeing great progress. I think I will continue what I am doing a few more days before I let set him free of his hobbles for good.
Overall I'm very pleased with his progress.
Oh wow, that's amazing! What great news! I agree, I could keep it up for awhile to make doubly sure it's all good and he has the support he needs while it's healing. It's so wonderful to hear a success story!
I want to give a quick update on Little Two. I tried to keep her hobbled a couple more days, but met with limited success. Every time I checked on her (I think it's a her), her hobble has come. I decided to put her with the others and see how she did.
She did well. Her feet stayed well together. She still had a noticeable limp, but in the next couple weeks that disappeared entirely. She's a new bird and I'm so happy to see it. 20210828_181337.jpg 20210828_181337.jpg

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