5 dead 3 limping


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 28, 2009
Rocky Mount, NC
I went out to feed today and found 5 dead and 3 limping around. Anyone have any idea what might have attacked? I read the sticky with no luck. Chickens were whole and appeared unhurt. no blood, and no feathers out of place. I have one silkie that wont even get up to walk, 1 EE roo that is limping, and one bantam thats moving slowly. I live in NC if that helps anyone narrow down the predator list. Thanks for any help or comments.
How do you know if it was a predator or if it was illness? I'm asking honestly because I don't know, I'm not pointing fingers. I guess illness would be unlikely as it was over night, but I don't know what would do that. I hope your other 3 will be okay.
DOG(S)??? A dog will kill just to kill and not eat.

Were the chickens in a coop or pen?

So sorry for your losses.
Hope you wait up tonight and see what did it. Whatever it is will be back to finish off the rest.
all 5 were in the coop. the coop is a 12 by 12 and the only way in is through a doggy door opening in the door. whatever it was would have had to get into the fenced in yard that surrounds the coop. the fence is 6 foot high and has a chain link roof over it as well. there is an opening in the fence roof thats about 6 foot by 6 foot, but other than that there is no way in. there were no tracks that I could find, but it's been raining here. I still have about 10 others, but it sucks to lose that many overnight. I think one of the other 3 isnt going to make it either.
Awwwwwww...so sorry the other two didn't make it.

A racoon can climb a 6' fence with no problem but would have bitten heads off and left a gorey mess. Still sounds like a dog of some kind...don't know of any other predator that would not eat when they kill.

Maybe put a hot wire around the pen so you don't lose anymore??
I'm SO SORRY:( Dogs recently killed my rooster and he was in a pen so I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE!
it's not dogs. there is no way for a dog to get into the pen. not to mention I raise Akita's and they are next to the chicken yard. If another dog comes into my yard the akitas would pick a fight. The opening for the chickens to go into the house is too small for my akitas to fit through and every chicken was found dead in the house. I have had a few chickens get out in the past, and when my dogs get ahold of them its a huge mess, feathers everywhere. In this case the chickens are not missing any feathers and I can find no injuries. I have no clue what this could be, other than a coon or something, but there are no injuries I can find.

edit: forgot to mention. the fence is a 6 foot chainlink with 6 foot privacy panels against the outside of that and 3 foot high chicken wire on the inside of the chainlink. so it's 3 types of fencing all sandwiched together. you cant even see the chickens unless you go through the gate.
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It could even be a rat or a weasel. My friend had chickens and a weasel got in and killed all of the birds.

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