5 gallon bucket feeder issue


Apr 15, 2020
Hi, so I made a feeder with a 5 gallon bucket and 3” pvc elbows. 2 elbows 180 degrees apart. The problem is the elbows seem too “deep” for my 7 week olds. Should I have used 45s instead of 90s? I’m a pretty handy guy....I build all sorts of stuff so it’s not like I don’t know what I’m doing. It just seems to me that the 90s were the wrong suggestion. Anyone else in the same boat as me? I will be annoyed if I have to rip this thing apart and start over. Oh and I’m sure the first thing I will be asked for is pics. I will snap a pic when it’s not raining sideways. I’m not complaining about the rain because we haven’t had any in so long...but I don’t want to be standing in it either. Haha
At 7 weeks I am still using smaller elbows. Here are
My 3 sizes - the one with the measuring tape is for adults, slightly smaller tidy cats for 3-10 weeks or so, and the coffee can for 2-3 weeks.

So mine looks similar to your doc. It just seems like they can’t reach down inside that elbow....
Have you removed all other food sources? Chuck some scrambled eggs in the flat part at the entrance and some more down in the bottom. Sit back and observe. Bet they can get it.
Ok will do. I was going to try that with mealworms but of course my chickens don’t like them. Hahaha spent $40 on a big bag of them and the damn birds don’t touch em! I will try scrambled eggs and see how that works. Thanks!! And yes...I pulled their other feeder. I made a horizontal nipple waterer out of a bucket and they learned that within an hour....

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