5 month banty cochin crows today!!!!!!


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
Oh did I forget to tell you its a girl!!!!!!!

I am so proud of her. Well that explains why a few weeks ago wwhen I heard some small crows coming from the coop and thinking, 'I have no roosters out there', that it must have been Kay.

And she crowed right in my ear!!
Banty crows have got to be the cutest. Uno is crowing and it sounds like a boy going through puberty all gravely sounding....LOL
My little runt bantam cochin, who I was pretty positive was a girl, crowed last week at only 6 weeks old. I went to my garage, sat down next to the brooder and...he looked at me as if to say "watch this", and let out his first crows! So absolutely cute! I think it kinda freaked out the bigger roos though...they just stared at the little guy! lol
my silkie gave it a try last week, it was a "honk honk" they are so funny when they try.....

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