5 weeks...moving from bathroom to garage


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 25, 2013
I love my 8 chickadees but it's definitely time for them to move out of the enclosed guest shower (it's 4x3"). I am setting up a brooder/pen in my garage. It's a warm garage as we have windows and glass garage doors that get sun and make it quite toasty. It's about 60+ even at night and warmer during the day.

I have a 5'x 8' dog x-pen lined with cardboard to block drafts, and I'll be putting sand on the floor. The bathroom is about 78 degrees now where they are, so warmer than the garage.

My question is, at 5 weeks, mostly feathered (a bit of fluff around their necks), will they be ok out there? Do I need to cover the top as well, or is it enough to block the sides with the cardboard? Will it be ok to open the garage door on a warm day (like a 70+ day)?

I'm in TX, and we are having about 45 degree nights here for the next few, and then up to 50 degree nights, possibly a 90 degree day on Friday!!!! Over 65 most days...but getting warmer :)

My husband thinks I'm over worrying, but you know, you love the little ladies so much you don't want to make a mistake!

They'll be fine. Definitely don't cover the top. Fresh air is as important as food and water. If it drops below the 50s at night, I'd put a heat emitter in there since they've been in such a warm space.

Except for the dead of winter, my chicks go out into the coop when they come out of the hatcher.

A mother hen doesn't warm up the ambient air to 90 degrees. She provides a 100 degree spot so the chicks can warm up and then they're out running around in ambient temps regardless of what they are. They are much healthier that way.

I give them a heat source but plenty of space to cool off. Healthy chicks aren't fragile at all. If one keeps the whole space warm, they can't get away from it.


You're getting them out at a good time, they're getting cramped and they need more ventilation.
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I think they will be fine. You want to start exposing them to lower temps so yeah leaving the garage door open on nice days would be a very good idea!
Thank you! This puts my mind at ease.

I am going to move them and put a larger Brinsea eco warmer in there, just in case. Hopefully they will love the light they get during the day in the garage. And I'll be able to clean the bathroom!

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