50/50 mix on feed

crooked stripe

12 Years
Jan 14, 2008
N.E Ohio- Suffield
I stopped by a local horse feed supplier the other day and found he sells poultry feed as well. Most of his customers are from Thailand and are buying layer mix and adding the same amount of scratch grains. The owner doesn't know to much about poultry feed but supplies it to those folks for their convenience. He sells Pen Pals feed by ADM in Ill. $11 for 50 lbs of layer mix. They add 50 lbs of scratch grains for $6.50. I figured with that much protein it wouldn't be any good for their chickens health. What are your thoughts. I myself just feed layer pellets. Might this be a way of cutting costs in feed for the Thai? John ( I also through in some treats sparingly.)
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Scratch grain contains mostly carbs and fiber, very little protein.

I feed mine some scratch for supper before they go to bed.

Helps to keep them happy and full until morning, especially if the nights are cold.
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John, I think Pen Pals/ADM sells 2 feeds with lower and higher protein content. I suspect the $11 for 50 lbs mix is not the high-protein feed.

West Virginia University poultry scientists suggest a 10% protein scratch using 2 grains at minimum. Then they allow 50/50 with a 20% protein commercial feed.

Of course, you'll pay more for that higher protein feed. And, diluting protein isn't the only nutrient concern either. Personally, I'd want top of the line scratch if I was trying to feed this much and still hope to have productive layers. Many Coop Ext people suggest no scratch in ration, at all, so this UWV idea for 50/50 is at one end of the spectrum.

edited to get that "2 grains at minimum" in there.
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I am just going to stick with the Purina Layer mix for my girls. They are healthy and do a fine job in producing eggs. I don't want to mess with any health issues. I guess what I am trying to say, Don't mess with what is working. Thank you for all the replies. John

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