50 Chickens in an 8ftX10ft tractor?

Awesome. I may be able to raise some meaties now! I was so worried about not having enough room for them, or even having to deal with that legendary amount of poo I've heard about. LOL

From personal experience I think that density is still a little high, but it was never said how old the birds are. At 8 weeks it seemed as though there was not a lot of room for 20 in 12x12 tractor and I would have liked to have moved it at least three times per day. But that is just me, if 75 works for you that is great, I wish it did for me, that would mean fewer pens to move.
Also as a side note I noticed that the manure is great for the grass, but now the front yard looks like a giant chess board.
I think this is a great way to raise meat birds, and I highly recommend it. There is less manure to deal with and they seem to be much more content and exhibit more chicken like behaviors than when I raised them in a coupe.
Can I see pictures of the tractors you guys are talking of?

I am looking for a good and simple tractor design that can hold a good amount of meaties or other birds. I'm sure if it can hold 50-75 meaties it can hold a pretty good amount of any other breed. I just didn't want to build a tractor and only be able to put 5 birds max in there, you know?

4 sq. ft per bird is for other breeds(not cornish x).I put 25 max in a 8x8 pen and move it daily if not more.I won't seem too tight at first but as they get bigger it will tighten up.I doubt I could put 40 8-10lb birds in a 8x8 spot without stacking them.
Below is 25 birds in a 8x8 tractor next to a 6x8 tractor with about 15 in it.(that's plenty) Will
I just raised 25 cornish crosses to 8 weeks in a 10'x6' tractor, moving two or three times a day. Next time, I'll probably do 50 in the same space, butchering most at 6 weeks. I had 4 roosters die in the last week.
One thing that's been enlightening to me is doing a "trial run" with just a few birds. I ordered a few with my last layer order (or you can buy a few chicks locally sometimes) and now I have 4 birds at 7 weeks in my 8x6 tractor. It's given me some ideas for modifications to make feed management, etc. easier. Much better to get your method zeroed in with a low load than when you have it at full capacity. It's also been helpfull to get an idea of how many I think my space can hold, how often I'm gonna have to move it, etc.

So far it looks like I'm planning on starting with 25 birds, then butchering 5 or 6 at 2.5-3 lbs for use as small cornish hens (anyone here do this?). Then I may process a few more at 6-7 weeks, if necessary, then the rest at 8 weeks or so. They really seem to take off at 5-6 weeks, so taking some out at 6-7 weeks may help free up some space and keep me from having to move the tractor 3 times a day. It'll also help to keep me from having to process so many birds at one time.
Those are some large tractors, are they difficult to move? Do you move them by yourself or do you have to recruit help?

Hi Kim, the temperment of a meatie makes it easier for them to crowd, and they don't mind
All they are interested in is food, water, someplace to sleep and more food

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